- Install
Raspbian GNU/Linux 9 (stretch)
(Linux raspberrypi 4.14.98-v7+) - Install python3 for RPi
sudo apt-get install python3-pip python3-dev
- Enable camera in raspberry pi settings:
- Install
- Install
, which gives access to picamera and picamera.array
- Python package
- Python package
(1.17.0) - Python package
(for testing or running on desktop; adapted from https://github.com/sn4k3/FakeRPi) - PIL and its dependencies, which require the following on RPi
sudo apt-get install libopenjp2-7
sudo apt install libtiff5
- Python package
for generating histogram images - Python package
for webserver - Python package
for database management - NPM package manager and packages
sudo apt-get install nodejs npm node-semver
- `npm install --global vue
- NPM package
for front end. Build front end:cd /webserver/frontend
npm run build
- the resulting dist folder contains built files;app.py
serves these
- Build database (SQLite 3) for training data
python migrate.py
in the webserver directory.
- Python package
for training/loading the car driver-
Install tensorflow
wget https://github.com/lhelontra/tensorflow-on-arm/releases/download/v1.8.0/tensorflow-1.8.0-cp35-none-linux_armv7l.whl
install it via
sudo pip3 install ./tensorflow-1.8.0-cp35-none-linux_armv7l.whl
pip install h5py
sudo apt install libhdf5-100
Running the command
import keras
should work in a Py3 shell
Run Python tests:
python -m unittest discover
RPi module cannot run on non-RPi hardware, so this entire class is faked on non-RPi systems. This dummy fake RPi module that is used as a mock must be installed by:
cd packages/BotFakeRPi
python setup.py install
- Run car-facing Python modules in debug mode by appending
when running from CLI. - To only run front end code locally, run
npm run serve
in the /webserver/frontend directory - if you get
picamera.exc.PiCameraMMALError: Failed to enable connection: Out of resources
when instantiating the engine, existing python processes (ps -a
) must be killed - for ErrNo 48 port in use, use
ps -fA | grep python
and kill the offending process - Image default size 320x240 is good
- ML steps are optional, as the repo comes with a trained model
- There are two ML models: (1) Haar classifier for stop signs, and (2) CNN for self driving
- For training either model, training data must be gathered:
- Run the car (see Running the Car section)
- Enable recording of training data
- Go into Training Mode from the web interface
- Drive the car around on white roads (learning uses camera image as input and direction taken as label)
Training CNN
- Train CNN by
cd learning/Neural Network
- Run
python app.py [optional path to training-db]
(if path not supplied, the default path is used fromwebserver/trainingdata.db
) - This script loops thru each training point, doing the following:
- Applys each transformation filter
- Saving the transformed image as JPG
- Saving histogram (used by car's CNN to predict) of transformed image as JPG
- Recording an array-representation of histogram with human-trained direction and saving to disk
- Returning array
- Custom Transformation Filters can be created for any image transformation!
To run the car, transfer entire repo to RPi, and install dependencies.
into the webserver/frontend
directory and run python3 app.py
The app is network-served using the Flask dev server on RPi and can be accessed at RPi's network IP
- Ultrasonic Sensor: https://www.modmypi.com/blog/hc-sr04-ultrasonic-range-sensor-on-the-raspberry-pi
- L298: https://www.explainingcomputers.com/rasp_pi_robotics.html
- Websockets: https://blog.miguelgrinberg.com/post/easy-websockets-with-flask-and-gevent
- mjpeg: https://blog.miguelgrinberg.com/post/flask-video-streaming-revisited
- Training CNN on Public Images: https://github.com/quiltdata/open-images and https://blog.quiltdata.com/how-to-classify-photos-in-600-classes-using-nine-million-open-images-3cdb989ad1c2
- Replace motor driver / DC adapter
- Add 404 page for front end as routing is handled there now
- Collect training data
- Add front end for training data - show image slideshow, histogram, distance, command, etc.
- Write tests for project
- Figure out wheel radius and speed of motor (this will be voltage dependent)
- Use PWM (default 100%) to control speed. Self Driving car can use this to control speed
- Create a thread that continuously updates the US distance in main class, and the get_distance method just grabs the latest data.
- Original self driving car - make random choice for movement, to see if 300 ms predcition time is feasible
- Self Driving car
- self.brain should be defined - this makes decisions on what to do
- check for forwrd object
- check for stopsign (if so, wait 3 sec)
- check for traffic light
- get model to predict based on inputs
- add to engine class a drive_continuously with a speed attirnute that uses PWM
- Write more tests for Camera class
To train the neural network, first acquire some training data (or have a training database): To acquire data, go to
Forward collision detection
Train Car to Drive
- Gather training data accurately (this serves as BG for below) - need ~800 points Curvy runs 0001-0274 Straight runs 0565 L turns Intersections 0457-0564 Circles 0275-0456
- Flip images from above to get more data
- Augment the images (add blur, noise, contrast, etc.)
- Build the model using DB - try 1 hidden layer with 32 or 64 nodes
- Verify that it works
Train Car to Recognize Stop Sign
- Remove DL'd pos imgs that are obviously irrelevant
- Remove DL's pos imgs with messed up aspect ratios
- Crop DL'd pos imgs to 320x320
- Grayscale DL'd pos imgs
- Make a list of positives.txt (list of file paths)
- Make a list of negatives.txt (pos will be 2x neg)
- Use bin/createsamples.pl (calls opencv_createsamples to put each img onto background) and tools/mergevec.py (merges resultant vectors from perl script into one) from https://github.com/spmallick/opencv-haar-classifier-training to make positive sample on BG Also see https://pythonprogramming.net/haar-cascade-object-detection-python-opencv-tutorial/
- Use above to train classifier using opencv_traincascade
Navigation? Speed detection?
- Image class - should return ImageData instance when converting images to b&w etc. LOGGING (LOW PRIORITY)
- Add logging class that logs when DEV=1