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Convert from fasta to phylip format and generate partitioned data if needed

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May 28, 2019
Aug 20, 2019
May 29, 2019

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What can I find here?

This repository contains a set of scripts in the src directory that can be called through the bash script The tasks that are performed are the following:

  • It can convert files with sequences already aligned from fasta to PHYLIP format. If more than one fasta file is provided, an extra output file called <your_output_name>_all_genes_PHYLIP.aln will be generated. This file will contain each of the alignments in PHYLIP format one after the other, such as:
    |                            |                              
    | 3 256                      |                              
    | sp1 ATGCGTGCAAAGTTGGCC...  |                              
    | sp2 ATGCGaGCTTTGTAGGCC...  |                              
    | sp3 ATGC-TGCATACAAGGGC...  |                              
    |                            |                              
    | 3 35                       |                              
    | sp1 ATTG-----TTTACTTTA...  |                              
    | sp2 ATTGCGTGCTTTACG--A...  |                              
    | sp3 ATTC---GCTTTA----A...  |                              
    |                            |                              
    | 3 60                       |                              
    | sp1 ATGCCTTGGCTTAGATGC...  |                              
    | sp2 ATGT--TGGCTTAGA-GC...  |                              
    | sp3 ATGC-TTGGCAAAGATGC...  |                              

This file format can be useful for software like bpp.

  • You can generate partitioned files with first and second codon positions (one partition) and third codon positions (another partition). Read below how to enable this task.

What files should I provide?

You will need to have a directory with your n aligned sequences in fasta format such as:

        |- file_1.fasta 
        |- file_2.fasta 
        |- .
        |- .
        |- file_n.fasta

NOTE: This script will be looking for files with extension .fasta, not .fa. Please modify your files accordingly. You can use a for loop like this one:

cd your_dir_with_.fa_files
for file in *fa
name=$( echo $file | sed 's/\.fa/\.fasta/' )
mv $file $name

You will also need to create a text file called species_names.txt with the names (one name per row) of all the species that are present in the alignments. The content of this file should look like this:


You can save it in your working directory with the rest of the fasta files. Therefore, your working directory should look like this:

        |- file_1.fasta 
        |- file_2.fasta 
        |- .
        |- .
        |- file_n.fasta
        |- species_names.txt

How do I run this?

You should clone this repository and export the path to the script to your ~/.bashrc or ~/.bash_profile. This will allow you to run this script from any location of your PC without having to type the absolute path to the bash script.

The takes three arguments:

  • <path_to_you_directory_with_fasta_alignments>: This is the path to where all your fasta files can be found. If you are running this script within this directory, this argument should be a ., indicating "current directory".
  • <name_for_output_files>: String (without quotation marks) that will be used to name the output files. E.g., "proj5910".
  • <partY|partN>: If you want your data to be partitioned according to gene codon position, you should enter as a third argument partY. Otherwise, you should type partN.

This script can be run as it follows: <path_to_you_directory_with_fasta_alignments> <name_for_output_files> <partY|partN>

NOTE: The bash scripts assume that the bash is in /bin/bash, hence the shebang is #!/bin/bash. If your bash is somewhere else, please change the line of the bash scripts accordingly. For instance, you could run the following for loop:

cd fasta-phylip-partitions/src
sed -i 's/\#\!\/bin\/bash/\#\!<ADD_HERE_YOUR_PATH_TO_BASH>/' 
for i in Tools/*.sh 
	sed -i 's/\#\!\/bin\/bash/\#\!<ADD_HERE_YOUR_PATH_TO_BASH>/' $i 

What will the output be?

If you decide to generate partitioned alignments...

If you decide to run the script allowing for generating partitioned alignments, you will have different output files in the following architecture:

         |- 00_alignments_per_locus 
         |          |- 1  
         |          |  |- <file1_name>.aln
         |          |  |- <file1_name>.log.txt
         |          |  |- partitions3_<file1_name>.aln
         |          |  |- partitions12.3_<file1_name>.aln
         |          |  |- partitions12_<file1_name>.aln
         |          |
         |          |- . 
         |          |- . 
         |          |- . 
         |          |
         |          |- n
         |          |  |- <filen_name>.aln
         |          |  |- <filen_name>.log.txt
         |          |  |- partitions3_<filen_name>.aln
         |          |  |- partitions12.3_<filen_name>.aln
         |          |  |- partitions12_<filen_name>.aln
         |          |
         |          |- log01_phylip.format.txt 
         |          |- log02_generate_tmp_aln.txt
         |- 01_alignment_all_loci 
         |          |- <tag_out_name>_all_loci.aln  
         |- 02_concatenated_alignments 
                    |- part3
                    |    |- part3_<tag_out_name>_concat.aln  
                    |    |- part3_<tag_out_name>_concat.fasta
                    |    |- part3_<tag_out_name>_concat_log.txt
                    |    |- part3_<tag_out_name>_concat_one_line.fasta
                    |    |- part3_<tag_out_name>_concat_sumstats.tsv
                    |- part12
                    |    |- part12_<tag_out_name>_concat.aln  
                    |    |- part12_<tag_out_name>_concat.fasta
                    |    |- part12_<tag_out_name>_concat_log.txt
                    |    |- part12_<tag_out_name>_concat_one_line.fasta
                    |    |- part12_<tag_out_name>_concat_sumstats.tsv
                    |- <tag_out_name>_concat.aln  
                    |- <tag_out_name>_concat.fasta
                    |- <tag_out_name>_concat_log.txt
                    |- <tag_out_name>_concat_one_line.fasta
                    |- <tag_out_name>_concat_sumstats.tsv

A. Inside 00_alignments_per_locus you will have:

  • Subdirectories labelled from 1 to n, being n the amount of fasta files you have, in which the alignments in PHYLIP format will be output together with a log file. For subdirectory i, then:
    • <filei_name>_.aln: Alignment in PHYLIP format.
    • <filei_name>_.log.txt: Log file that keeps track that the sequences for all the species have been visited.
    • partitions3_<filei_name>.aln: Alignment in PHYLIP format with only the 3rd codon positions (CPs) of the sequences.
    • partitions12.3_<filei_name>.aln: Alignment in PHYLIP format with the 1st + 2nd CPs in one partition and the 3rd CPs in another partition.
    • partitions12_<filei_name>.aln: Alignment in PHYLIP format with only the 1st + 2nd CPs of the sequences.
  • Log files that keep track of all the fasta files visited and parsed.

B. Inside 01_alignment_all_loci you will have the tag_out_name>_all_loci.aln file, which contains all the PHYLIP alignments for each loci concatenated one after the other. This is the format that software such as bpp require for their input files.

C. Inside 02_concatenated_alignments you will have:

  • part3: Subdirectory in which the output files for the alignment with only 3rd CPs will be saved. These files are:
    • part3_<tag_out_name>_concat.aln: Concatenated alignment of all the 3rd CPs for all the loci, i.e., ACG... <==> 3rdCP.locus1|3rdCP.locus2|3rdCP.locus3...
    • part3_<tag_out_name>_concat.fasta: Concatenated alignment of all the 3rd CPs for all the loci in fasta format.
    • part3_<tag_out_name>_concat_log.txt: Log file that keeps track that each concatenated sequence for all the species has the same length.
    • part3_<tag_out_name>_concat_one_line.fasta: Same file that part3_<tag_out_name>_concat.fasta, but with the sequence in one line.
    • part3_<tag_out_name>_concat_sumstats.tsv: Log file tab separated with 5 columns:
      • Gene: Numeric, corresponding to the number of locus parsed.
      • Number of species: Numeric, number of species in the alignment of that specific locus.
      • Number of missing species: Numeric, number of missing species in this alignment.
      • Total genes: Total number of genes (should be always the same).
      • Name of missing species: Character, name of species missing in that locus alignment.
  • part12: Subdirectory in which the output files for the alignment with only 1st+2nd CPs will be saved. The output files are the same than those described for the part3. The only difference is that they start with part12.
  • <tag_out_nam>_concat.* files: The same files described above but having the sequences concatenated.

If you just want the concatenated alignments...

If you decide to run the without generating partitioned alignments, you will have the same output files that have been described in the section above except for those corresponding to the partitioned alignments. The architecture will then be the following:

         |- 00_alignments_per_locus 
         |          |- 1  
         |          |  |- <file1_name>.aln
         |          |  |- <file1_name>.log.txt
         |          |
         |          |- . 
         |          |- . 
         |          |- . 
         |          |
         |          |- n
         |          |  |- <filen_name>.aln
         |          |  |- <filen_name>.log.txt
         |          |
         |          |- log01_phylip.format.txt 
         |          |- log02_generate_tmp_aln.txt
         |- 01_alignment_all_loci 
         |          |- <tag_out_name>_all_loci.aln  
         |- 02_concatenated_alignments 
                    |- <tag_out_name>_concat.aln  
                    |- <tag_out_name>_concat.fasta
                    |- <tag_out_name>_concat_log.txt
                    |- <tag_out_name>_concat_one_line.fasta
                    |- <tag_out_name>_concat_sumstats.tsv

Are there any examples?

You can find two examples in the examples directory in which two different jobs have been carried out:

  • Get only a concatenated alignment: You can go to examples>test_data_partitionNO and check the output files generated within the fasta_data>phylip_format directory. If you want to rerun the analysis, you can delete the phylip_format directory within the fasta_data directory and run the following command. The output files will have the tag proj5190 in their names: . proj5190 partN
  • Get both a concatenated alignment and partitioned alignments: You can go to examples>test_data_partitionYES and check the output files generated within the fasta_data>phylip_format directory. If you want to rerun the analysis, you can delete the phylip_format directory within the fasta_data directory and run the following command.The output files will have the tag proj5190 in their names: . proj5190 partY

If you have any questions/suggestions, please send a message to:
Sandra Alvarez-Carretero


Convert from fasta to phylip format and generate partitioned data if needed







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