🌕 This project was created based on html-css/homework requirements
Open sabovyan.github.io/nike-history/ to view it in the browser.
- Metatags
- Open Graph tags
- twitter cards
- Semantic tags
- CSS grid
- flexbox
- media queries
- BEM methodology *
- facebook debugger
- twitter card validator
- tinypng.com the result of gulp-image or image-min plugins was not that satisfying
🌎 Home
🌵 banner - CSS Grid
- for the small screen I've left just one picture and displayed it as a block element
.banner { display: block };
🌵 timeline - flexbox
- I make shoeprints not visible for small screens
🌎 History
- 🌵 h1 - an animation which makes blinking effect
- 🌵 sections
- section image -
float: right
this was the only way that I have found to wrap the text around picture
- section image -
source for this page - History of Nike timeline and facts article from Thestreet
🌍 founders
- 🌵 the whole page was aligned using flexbox
- 🌵 Each card is hover able and has a bit more information and links about the particular person
🌍 Survey
- 🌵This page was lined up with CSS Grid
- 🌵 Maybe the layout is not that user-friendly, but I implemented this way to practice grid one more time
- there is a little animation with
for the icons at the end of the footer
* BEM I have tried to use BEM for the whole project I am sure that there are lots of mistakes but I've tried to stick to this methodology