In this case, I have had an environment called sparta_da
that contains the list of packages that required. So, I should activate that environment.
conda activate sparta_da
I use Visual Studio Code to create the file. The file contains codes that will present what you want in the dashboard. In this case, my file .py
is called project_dashboard1
To run codes in file .py
, you need to open your terminal (me: command prompt) and navigate the path to the
folder that was previously created. For example you can see what I did.
(sparta_da) C:\Users\HP> D: #I put my file in D
(sparta_da) D:\> dir #I wanna check the contains of directory D
(sparta_da) D:\ cd BANGKIT #I change my directory to folder BANGKIT
(sparta_da) D:\BANGKIT> streamlit run # run streamlit app