- This process has to run every week on Weekend (Sat/Sun)
- download CNX 500 companies from NSE
- Get LTP and 52 week high from yahoo finance
- Update this data in a storage (DB)
- Exclude stocks having LTP < 20 & > 50000
- Check if there are any stocks last week that either less than their 5% of 52-week high or not in top 10 , remove such stocks (mark as 'sell')
- Get list of top 10 stocks which are near their 52-week high and add such that total no of stocks remains 10 (mark as 'buy')
Requirement version 2:
- On the first trading day of the month, we rank all stocks based on their “Naive Momentum”: Absolute return over the last 52 weeks (250 working days)
- Buy the top 30 stocks in equal weight from this list. Long only.
- Rebalance every month
Requirement version 3:
- On the first trading day of the month, we rank all stocks based on their “Volatility-Adjusted Momentum”: Absolute return over the last 52 weeks (250 working days) divided by the annualized standard deviation of daily price moves
- Buy the top 30 stocks in equal weight from this list. Long only.
- Rebalance every month
Meltano for ELT
Custom tap to get company-wise 52 week high and LTP - done
Test this tap with postgreSQL (tap-postgres)
Dbt to arrive at list of momentum stocks
(possibly) Airflow to orchestrate on weekly basis