This project is a booking and CRM system for Salon Bliss, a fictional hair salon.
Managing Users, Services, Locations, Cart for customers, Appointment Booking functionality, Multiple categories, locations for the salon, use of Email notifications, sending emails and capturing the views of the users, appointment management, analytics data display are some of the features of this project.
If you want to run this project locally, follow the installation instructions.
The system is built with the TALL Stack
For authentication scaffolding the project uses Laravel Jetstream.
The project uses Laravel's Queued Jobs to send emails and record analytics data.
For testing of the email sending, Mailtrap was used.
This was developed for the requirements of a Server Side Programming module. The assignment document is available here: SSP2_FINAL2_CB010454.pdf
The following are some of the features of the project. To provide a better understanding of the features some screenshots are also provided where necessary.
✅ Use of middleware to grant role based access to routes
A middleware was created to validate the role of the user and grant access to the routes. When using the middleware the name of the required roles are passed seperated by a comma. The routes associated for the users based on the roles are grouped in the web.php file.
🏬 Location Management
The admin user can create, edit and delete locations. These locations are used when booking an appointment. For the purpose of the assignment, only one appointment per time slot is possible in the system.
Locations Manage Page👤User management
The management of the customers and employees is done by the admin user. Admin user can create, edit and delete employees. There is an option that allows the admin to suspend a user.
Manage Users💇 Categories and Service management
Admin and employee users can create, edit and delete service categories. Admin and employee users can create, edit and delete services. When creating a service a category must be selected. There are some other details such as the price, description, image, benefits, allegens, cautions, and aftercare tips.
Manage ServicesWhen a new service is created, the customers are notified by email. This is done using a queued job. Check out how to start the queue in laravel
Queued jobs to send the new service emailNew service email
🆕 Booking an appointment
The appointment booking is done by first adding to the cart: the customer selects the location of the booking, and the date. The system then checks for availability and disables and grey out the timeslots that are not available. Then the customer can select a time slot and add it to the cart.
ServicesThe system displays the timeslots of a location that are available when the user selects the location and date. The system disables and greys out the unavailable time slots.
Take Note of the greyed out unavailable time slot below
Viewing a service - Selecting Time Slots🛒 Cart
A cart system was created for the user to add the services to the cart. It also included creation of a pivot table called cart_services. The system checks if there are any booking for that time slot before creation of the appointment at Checkout
Cart📃 Appointment creation
At checkout the appointment is created. Then an email is sent to the customer as a confirmation of the booking. This email is sent using a queued job. Check out how to start the queue in laravel
Queued jobs to send the confirmation emailAppointment Confirmation Email
🎯 Page view hit analytics
The views of the pages is recorded using a queued job by resolving the AnalyticsSingleton
Recording Analytics using a queued job🎯 View analytics of customer and services
The staff can view the information related to the services such as the views, appointments, and revenue. This is shown when viewing a service. The staff can also view the analytics of a customer.
Customer Details including analytics such as last appointment and total spendingAnalytics of a service
📅 Appointment management
The staff can manage appointments of all customers, a customer can manage their appointments.
Appointment Management PageThe customer can also see the details of the appointments that they have made.
Appointment Management - CustomerA schedule for the current day and the day is shown for all the locations of the salon in the admin dashboard
Day schedules🧑💻 API Customer CRUD and Services CRUD
The system provides an API for the create, read, update and delete of a customer.
The system also provides an API for the create, read, update and delete of a service.
The postman collection for the API is available here: [Salon Bliss.postman_collection.json](Salon Bliss.postman_collection.json)
The system utilizes queued jobs for tasks such as capturing page views and sending emails.
To run the queue manually you will have to run the command
php artisan queue:listen
More Info:
The following pre-requisites are needed to run the project
For PHP and MySQL, XAMPP or WAMP server can be used.
Clone the repo
git clone
Move in to the folder
cd CRM-laravel
Install Composer packages
composer install
Install NPM packages
npm install
Create a .env file by copying the .env.example file
Generate an app encryption key
php artisan key:generate
Create a database and add the database credentials to the .env file
Follow instructions from Laravel docs if you are using SQLite.
Note: A sqlite database file is committed to the repository you can use it by configuring the env following instructions of the above link
Run the migrations
php artisan migrate
Run the seeders
php artisan db:seed
Run the project
npm run dev
Keep this running and open a new terminal and run
php artisan serve
Visit the site at http://localhost:8000
Note: The Admin user is created using the seeder. The default credentials are as follows:
email :
password : adminpassword
Note Make sure you set up an email service provider in the env file. For testing purposes a service like Mailtrap can be used.
For the email and page view capture to work, the queue should be run
This project was developed for an academic assignment, the project will be further developed in the future as a portfolio project
If you have any suggestions create an issue on the repository.