SongSensei is an website designed to keep users connected to their favorite artists. Curated by the SongSensei team, a list of the biggest artists is posted on the website. Users can access their profiles as well as their top videos. SongSensei allows users to explore artist information and effortlessly keep their favorite artists pinned in the navigation bar.
In addition to the current functionality, we have exciting updates planned for the future of SongSensei. These include personalized artist lists tailored to individual users, artist categories for easy exploration, customizable playlists, an avenue to discover talented indie artists, dynamically generated lists of up-and-coming musicians, and much more!
The primary motivation behind developing SongSensei was to facilitate collaborative learning and teamwork within our SongSensei team. By utilizing platforms like GitHub, GitHub Projects, and Slack, we honed our skills in building a project from scratch. Leveraging our collective knowledge of JavaScript, HTML, CSS, server-side APIs, version control, and Tailwind CSS, we aimed to create a robust and user-friendly website. Throughout the development process, we gained valuable insights into API requests, authorization, security measures, and documentation parsing. Integrating APIs from YouTube and Wikipedia, as well as utilizing the jQuery framework, were crucial aspects of completing this project successfully.
Link to deployed application here
Please refer to the LICENSE in the repo.