is a friendly hubot 🚧
After cloning this repository run following two commands:
heroku login
heroku git:remote -a doc-the-bot
Now when you run git remote -vv
you should see git remote being set to heroku.
Please use a correct one REDISTOGO_URL, this is just to showw the format.
heroku config:add REDISTOGO_URL=redis://
heroku config:add HEROKU_URL=
heroku config:add HUBOT_SLACK_TOKEN=xoxb-45372731543-dep7di9WTsj7fUnOjtUXDX6Y
heroku config:add HUBOT_BOT_NAME=doc
git push heroku master
git commit --allow-empty -m "<some text>"
git push heroku master
heroku config:set NODE_MODULES_CACHE=false
git commit -am 'rebuild' --allow-empty
git push heroku master
heroku config:unset NODE_MODULES_CACHE
heroku restart
heroku logs
[ "hubot-reaction", "hubot-plusplus", "hubot-haiku", "hubot-help", "hubot-heroku-keepalive", "hubot-diagnostics", "hubot-pugme", "hubot-redis-brain", "hubot-maps", "hubot-rules", "hubot-shipit2", "hubot-thank-you", "hubot-tell", "hubot-principles", "hubot-darts", "hubot-thesimpsons", "hubot-victory", "hubot-trello", "hubot-hrexcuse", "hubot-euro2016", "hubot-cutebomb", "hubot-brexit", "hubot-blackfriday", "hubot-beer-o-clock", "hubot-weather-mexico", "hubot-appearin", "hubot-houseparty", "hubot-insulter", "hubot-slack-utils" ]
["whos-the-man", "email", "cat", "sachin", "kostas", "standup", "morphism", "dr-matt", "offshore", "shaker", "solid", "do-it", "ambush", "applause", "hubotagainsthumanity", "birthday", ""]