Social Network of MS-13 gang built through Obsidian
- Go to this link: and download Obsidian
- Follow the download's instructions to set up Obsidian
- Go back to main page of this repository and click the "<> Code" button
- Download ZIP file of repository
- In your system's file manager, make sure to unzip the ZIP file
- Open Obsidian and click the "Open folder as vault" button
- Navigate to the unzipped file and choose the main folder
- Obsidian should now have opened the vault. Navigate to the graph view to see the social network graph
- Follow Instruction A.1-2
- Go back to main page of this repository and click the "Fork" button and fork this repository
- Download ZIP file of repository
- In your system's file manager, make sure to unzip the ZIP file
- Open Obsidian and click the "Open folder as vault" button
- Navigate to the unzipped file and choose the main folder
- Obsidian should now have opened the vault. Navigate to the graph view to see the social network graph