nearest neighbors of frog |
Litoria | Leptodactylidae | Rana | Eleutherodactylus |
Pictures |
Comparisons | man -> woman | city -> zip | comparative -> superlative |
GloVe Geometry |
We provide an implementation of the GloVe model for learning word representations, and describe how to download web-dataset vectors or train your own. See the project page or the paper for more information on glove vectors.
NB: We evaluated this trained vectors with common-countries-bn.txt & family-bn.txt
(inside eval/question-data-bn) question data. and Accuracy is 34%
In next version we will create a better question data for evaluation and will publish final evaluation result.
wikipedia+crawl_news_articles (39M(39055685) tokens, 0.18M(178152) vocab size, 195.4MB download): -
wikipeida+crawl_news_articles (39M(39055685) tokens, 0.18M(178152) vocab size, 100d vectors, 65MB download): -
Wikipedia (20M(19965328) tokens, 0.13M(134255) vocab, 300d vectors, 145.9MB download): -
Wikipedia (20M(19965328) tokens, 0.13M(134255), 100d vectors, 51.2MB download):
If the web datasets above don't match the semantics of your end use case, you can train word vectors on your own corpus.
$ git clone
$ cd glove && make
$ ./
The script downloads a small corpus, consisting of the first 100M characters of Wikipedia. It collects unigram counts, constructs and shuffles cooccurrence data, and trains a simple version of the GloVe model. It also runs a word analogy evaluation script in python to verify word vector quality. More details about training on your own corpus can be found by reading or the src/
python eval/python/ \
--vocab_file /path/vocab.txt
--vectors_file /path/vectors.txt
All work contained in this package is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See the include LICENSE file.