Releases: sahana/eden-asp
Releases · sahana/eden-asp
Version 5.6
Stable Release
- Refactored RecordMerger with option for resource-specific extensions
- Replaced S3XMLContents with XMLContentsRepresent
- XLSXWriter allows appending sheets to existing workbook
- Simplified and refactored update check process
- Added ImageUploadWidget, with integrated post-process and option to capture still image from built-in/connected web camera
Fixes and enhancements
- Fixed an issue with joins in ResourceData
- Bulk select-all limited to current page, avoiding hidden selection
- Fixed an issue with extra data lookup in spreadsheet importer
- Improved IS_ISO639_2_LANGUAGE_CODE
- Refactored SUPPLY module, added new distribution model
- Fixed filter manager to replace rather than add to selected filters
- Fixed a crash due to undefined table in IS_NOT_ONE_OF
Core changes
- Template-specific JS moved into static/scripts/templates so it can be re-used across themes
- New logo for Eden ASP
Deprecated/removed functionality
- S3ImageCropWidget deprecated, will be replaced by ImageUploadWidget
Full Changelog: 5.5...5.6
Version 5.5
Stable Release
- Generic, configurable multi-action bulk select method
- Bulk-option for Anonymize, for use with generic bulk select method
- Session filters: filtered views retain filters upon page reload or browser-return
- Variable/optional columns support in data tables
- Re-implementation of data table bulk actions with new Ajax- and Ajax-Dialog options
- Re-implementation of AgeFilter with URLQuery relative date support
Fixes and enhancements
- Fixed filter options lookup on component tabs
- Fixed downloads of documents uploaded to aliased tables
- Fixed a recurring error ticket in Auth.s3_logged_in
- Fixed some Python-3.11 compatibility issues
- Enhanced plausibility/permission checks for document downloads, fixed for multi-tenancy
- Dropped data table permalinks (poor usability), replaced by generic view links (e.g. select when bulk actions are configured)
- Optimized menu build-up
- Improved styles for better usability of non-responsive data tables
Core changes
- Layouts and Menus moved into core
- PR mailmerge methods moved into core
Deprecated/removed functionality
- BR module and BRCMS templates removed
- Translate-module removed
Version 5.4
Stable Release
- introduced FieldTemplate (replacing S3ReusableField)
- introduced OrgSiteTrackingModel and RegisterPresence method (formerly implemented by CR Check-in/Check-out)
- S3AddPersonWidget replaced by PersonSelector
- method to re-enable user accounts
- introduced DVRVulnerabilityModel (formerly implemented as "protection"-type needs, now separate)
- introduced ACT model to track organization activities and targeted beneficiaries (formerly part of PROJECT management)
- web2py-2.27.1 support
- fixed inconsistencies with record ownership
- fixed a None-value vulnerability in common representation methods
- qTip patched for jQuery 3
- fixed jQuery3 regressions in inline components and filters
- standard fields re-implemented as FieldTemplates (e.g. DateField replacing s3_date)
- S3MetaFields renamed as MetaFields
- meta fields now added by DataModel.define_table by default
- dropped some unusual fields and options from PersonSelector, while adding Nationality
- PersonSelector allows for case-insensitive ID search
- moved foreign key selector widgets into separate module
- moved ICON into a separate module
- refactored subforms and moved them into a separate module
- spreadsheet importer XLSX imports fixed
- spreadsheet parsers fixed to handle header-less columns
- improved error reporting in spreadsheet importer
- pr_identity model refactored to handle internally-issued ID documents (e.g. registration cards)
- CR shelter registration model fixed to count populations properly
- shelter registration no longer used for presence tracking (using SiteTracking instead), check-out is now always final
- removed some obsolete DVR models
- dropped some obsolete DVR deployment settings
- DVR case event types, appointments types and case flags can be organization-specific (=multi-tenancy support)
- DVR appointments can use date+time instead of only date
- DVR case reference number uniqueness requirement is now optional
Version 5.3
Stable Release
- Fixes/Enhancements:
- jQuery/jQuery UI update
- web2py-2.24.1 compatibility
- Organizer update to FullCalendar6
- dropped some obsolete models and fields in PR
Version 5.2
Stable Release
- Fixes/Enhancements:
- new BooleanRepresent
- vibration feedback for QR code input
- default document upload date
Version 5.1
Stable Release
- Bug fixes:
- fixed several theme glitches
- fixed single feature map center/zoom
- fixed issue with picture preview loosing aspect ratio
- Improvements for Admin UI:
- auth event log accessible through UI
- simplified menu
Version 5.0
Stable Release
- Compatible with web2py-2.22.5
- Upgrade to jQuery 3.6 + jQuery UI 1.13
- Restructure default theme, incl. upgrade to Foundation 6
- Survey/DC and assessments modules removed
- Some obsolete templates and themes removed
- Various bug fixes
Version 4.5
Stable Release
- Compatible with web2py-2.22.3
- Removed some obsolete JavaScript libraries
- Shelter Registry (CR) remodeled and simplified
- BulkImporter applies approve-callback for user records by default
- CMS Newsletters:
- Introducing read confirmation
- Indication of unread newsletters
- Auth:
- ANONYMOUS and AUTHENTICATED roles are assumed, explicit assignment no longer required
- minor optimization of authorization functions
- Exporter:
- S3Codec concept removed
- XLSX replaces XLS as standard Excel format
- WithAdvice replaces S3WithIntro:
- can have explanations above or below form field
- can handle fields with default widgets
Version 4.4
Stable Release
- Consent tracking improvements, including handling of pending consent questions
- Data models optimizations
- Re-implementation of default theme (and derivatives) with various fixes/optimizations
- Newsletter functionality
- Filter manager fixes
- Re-implementation of bulk importer, with various fixes/optimizations
- Bug fix for custom form population with read-only fields
- Default database name and user are now both "eden"
- New system info page, with differentiation between base version and template version
- Re-implementation of server-side filter framework, with various fixes/optimizations
- Legacy setup-module removed
Version 4.3
Stable Release
- Timeplot improvements
- Revised DataTable builder
- Simplified project module
- Documentation improvements