E-commerce businesses generate massive amounts of sales data, but extracting meaningful insights to optimize performance can be challenging. Traditional methods are often time-consuming and lack the visual clarity needed to identify trends and customer behavior. This is akin to sifting through mountains of unorganized information – while the data is there, it requires significant effort to clean, analyze, and transform it into actionable knowledge. This project proposes a solution: a comprehensive Power BI report that acts as a compass, guiding us through this vast data landscape. By leveraging Power BI's visualizations, we can better understand of orders, product performance, customer trends, and profitability. This analysis will empower data-driven decisions to optimize pricing, target marketing efforts, and ultimately drive business growth.
Flipkart Sales Dataset- This dataset is initially available in "xlsx" format, which is used for the analysis "Flipkart Sales Dataset.xlsx" file, which contains the details of the sales.
- Power BI
- Data loading and inspection.
- Handling missing values and empty rows.
- Data cleaning and formatting.
- Converting the data into a table.
- Modifying into a schema through Relationship.
- Usage of DAX for calculation purposes.
- Creating dashboards through the Visuals.
- Preparation of Report Documentation.
Click the link https://drive.google.com/file/d/1J0zR00aH8Of0TLwoF1iyam_TlNLkDhWn/view?usp=drive_link
Click the link https://drive.google.com/file/d/1p_VFBPtB29kNHP1BoKrULaRxAULhcbg5/view?usp=drive_link