This is a time tracking app where users can track their productive and unproductive time. DeskTime lets you do a lot more than just track time. With all the functionality this time tracking app for desktops offers, it is currently one of the most popular productivity apps in the market.
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deskTime webiste looks very amazing and introduced with various type of languages like JavaScript, HTML, CSS etc. There are the some important details regarding with this project which is mentioned below:
- ◉ JavaScript : 97.6%
- ◉ HTML : 1.6%
- ◉ CSS : 0.8%
- ◉ Home page
- ◉ Login and Sign Up
- ◉ Main page with tracker and data
- ◉ Functionality of adding task and projects
- ◉ timer functionality
Homepage is one of the most important factor which also known by the name of Landing Page. There are different kinds of the section is there like Product Search and Login things etc.