This set of scripts aims to provice a really simple way of setting up a RuuviCollector instance. While this obviously provides an easy way for beginners, I would encourage beginners to first try to set up the environment manually according to the ruuvi blog, just to get the learning experience of fiddling with linux a bit & getting the learning experience.
It is assumed that you already have a Raspberry Pi (or some other linux) up and running. These instructions have been tested on Raspberry Pi with debian wheezy, but should work on any fairly recent linux with suitable bluetooth module (requires bluetooth 4.0 LE)
This setup script is based on instructions from here:
And the actual RuuviCollector is from Scrin:
Currently this is still a work in progress and mainly done for my own amusement, so there may be open problems.
- If you have installed docker from raspberry pi debian repository, remove it before installing CE version
sudo apt-get remove docker docker-engine containerd runc
- Install docker CE (do not use the one from debian repository)
curl -fsSL -o
sudo sh
For more complete information refer to official instructions:
- Install python3, python3-pip & libffi-dev libssl-dev
sudo apt-get install python3 python3-pip python3-dev libffi-dev libssl-dev
- install docker-compose
pip3 install docker-compose
When all prerequisites are met the setup should just work with command
- clone this repo and run docker-compose
git clone
cd ruuvicollector-docker
sudo docker-compose -d up
If you want to see the logs from dockers, you can omit the -d
When dockers are up and running (may take some time as it needs to build the ruuvicollector docker) you should be able to browse to [your server private ip]:8080 and see grafana login page
log in with admin/admin, change admin password and you should see welcome screen with "Create datasource" and "Create Dashboard" both crossed out and Ruuvi Temperature -dashboard in the lower right space. When clicking that you should see temperature graphs being drawn from your ruuvi sensors.
The docker compose should create persistent disks for influxdb and grafana and a network in which the dockers can connect each other. The ruuvicollector docker will be run in privileged mode ton make sure it can access bluetoot device.
- Add authentication to fluxdb
- Add humidity & air pressure to default panels
- Add nginx frontend
- Add support for letsencrypt
- Create makefile or other script to make this whole thing run with one command only