## Pratice_1 ##
In Prac_1 I am do some basic Javascript work like variable, loop ,operator ,if else and many more with example for the Array, String and Object methods I create the fuction and then i call it with differt argument and i am test it and more information is given in comments
## Practice_2 ##
In Practice_2 I am do some advance Javascript work or ES6 fundamentals like arrow function, rest parameter,set, promise, async await, class and many more There are some methods related to string like padstart,padend,startwith,endwith and some methods related to number are given with examples. and more information is given in comments
## Practice_3 ##
In Practice_3 I am do some program related to array, string and obects.
## Practice_4 ##
In Practice_4 I am do some program related to core module of Nodejs like child process, cluster, File System, os, Path, Crypto.
## Practice_5 ##
In Practice_5 I am do some small program related to Authentication I used http, File System, Crypto for that.
## Practice_6 ##
In Practice_6 I am do some small program related to signup and signIn I used koaJs and Jwt for that.
## Practice_7 ##
In Practice_7 I am create todo application using koaJs and file system, I set Routes using Koajs.
## Practice_8 ##
In Practice_8 I am create API for GET, POST, PUT, PATCH and DELETE Using random data.
## Practice_9 ##
In Practice_9 I am create program related to type validator, Json_string converter, Email validator, Strong Password validator and many more.
## Practice_10 ##
In Practice_10 I am create Schema using moongose to validate user, account and customer data.
## Practice_11 ##
In Practice_11 I am create txt files for mongodb operator with example and Querys.
## Practice_12 ##
In Practice_12 I am create txt file In this file we have some problems and mongodb querys to solve this problems.And I done Indexing also In this Prectice
## Practice_13 ##
In Practice_13 I am create small task In this task i include Authentication and Grouping modules.