- Project init.
- Downloaded dependencies.
- Able to retireve song names from a given playlist ID.
- Using Client ID and Client Secretkey from our Spotify Developer Account to get the Access Token (i.e., client credential grant flow).
- Prints a json of the retrieved song names on localhost:{port}/songs.
- Added Text bar to paste playlist link.
- Uses regex expression to retrieve the Playlist ID from the URL.
- Made use of the 'body-parser' package to retrive the submited text from the form.
- Removed the use of 'request' package.
- Parsed Artist names from Spotify's GET playlist json.
- Concatenated song names with artist names.
- Installed ejs for views.
- Outputs a table of songs with artist names from a template using ejs.
- Cleaned up packages and dependencies.
- Added a .gitignore file.
- Used dotenv files to hide sensitive data.
- Used nodemon package.