Serenity is an ASP.NET MVC / TypeScript application platform designed to simplify and shorten development of data-centric business applications with a service based architecture.
It aims to make development easier while reducing maintenance costs by avoiding boiler-plate code, reducing the time spent on repetitive tasks and applying best software design practices.
See Serenity Developer Guide at for documentation.
Translations of Serenity Developer Guide:
Türkçe dökümantasyon için şu kılavuz incelenebilir. Katkıları için Adem beye teşekkür ederiz.
The easiest and fastest way to get your hands dirty on Serenity is by using a sample application template (Serene) from Visual Studio Gallery at
You can also install it directly from Visual Studio, by entering File -> New -> Project -> Online and searching for SERENE.
Please read documentation at for step-by-step tutorials.
You may contribute to the project by opening a pull request, adding documentation, sample source code, asking a question or suggesting an improvement etc. Just open an issue here with relevant links.
If you are using Serenity in any open source / commercial projects let me know, so i can add it to the list of references.
.NET open source community is a bit limited and is not so active, so if you help spread the word by posting in forums, starring the project here and in Visual Studio Gallery, i'll appreciate it much.
This demo is automatically updated when a new Serene version is pushed to GitHub repository. Thanks to @samdubey for setting it up.
Serenity Youtube Channel:
Introduction to Serene:
Setting up Continuous Deployment on Microsoft Azure for Serenity Applications:
Serenity Application Deployment to Microsoft Azure: