- 🎓 Education: Computer Science and Engineering pre-final Student from UIT,BU.
- 💻 Interests: Problem solving and Backend Dev in NodeJs.
- 🌱 Currently Learning: Web development and solving DSA problems.
- Focusing on backend development with projects like Zerodha, GitHub, Zoom, and LinkedIn clones.
- Planning to delve into high-level design and explore projects like Kafka clone and YouTube clone.
- 🔍 Looking for: Software Development Engineer (SDE) roles.
- 📫 How to Reach Me: LinkedIn
- Programming Languages: C++, C, JavaScript, HTML, CSS
- Backend Technologies: Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB (Atlas), Mongoose ORM
- Database Technologies: SQL, SQLPlus, PostgreSQL
- Tools & Technologies: Git, GitHub, Visual Studio Code, StarUML, MagicDraw
- Areas of Expertise: Object-Oriented Programming (OOP), GUI Applications, Multithreading, UML Modeling
- Backend Projects:
- Store API: - A backend API for a store management system.
- Task Manager API: - A backend API for a task management application.
- Simple CRUD App Backend: ) - A backend for a simple CRUD application.
- Database Projects:
- Student Database-1: - A database management system for student information.
- Celestial Bodies Database-PostgreSQL: - A PostgreSQL database storing information about celestial bodies.
- DBMS Lab: - Code for various database management system laboratory exercises.
- OOP Lab Assignment: - Code for various Object-Oriented Programming laboratory assignments.
Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or if you'd like to collaborate on a project!
“Life is full of choices…choose wisely!”