The practical code of Multimedia Security course lab
First, you need to install these packages that used in this project:
- subprocess
- tkinter
- winsound
- wave
- pyaudio
- matplotlib
- numpy
- opencv-python
- cryptography
pip install subprocess tkinter winsound wave pyaudio matplotlib numpy PIL opencv-python cryptography
- Lab 1: GUI that contains button to open/execute a specific file
- Lab 2: Read file header and modify its info
- Lab 3: Recording an audio and save it in a WAV file format, Play the audio file, and preview Plot (graph of waves) of the audio
- Lab 4: Preview an Image and its info, Convert Colorful image to Gray scale, and convert Gray image to Binary
- Lab 5: Drawing image and preview its Histogram, Display Histogram of an image, and Split RGB colors of an image
- Lab 6: Hide text in image and Recovery the text from it
- Lab 7: Encryption and Decryption of an image with the same Key
- Lab 8: Encryption and Decryption of an audio with the same Saved-Key