Transfer any files (.csv/.txt/.pdf/.xls etc.) with any size from one server to another easily (Prerequisite is node to node connectivity)
Deploy easily in any server by using the java jar
Dynamic application by using properties parameter
SFTP file transferring in scheduled time automatically with no hassle by add this jar in cronjob
Clone the project
Open the project in any IDE (Eclipse/IntelliJ IDEA)
Add the external library jsch-0.1.55 from 'lib' project directory
Select JAVA - jdk1.8 as compiler
Update app.properties file based on your requirements
Update the file naming formatting logic from SftpTransfer.java based on the source file name.
Existing codebase file naming format: [Select Prefix File Name From Properties File] + current yyyyMMdd + [Select Suffix File Name From Properties File]
e.g if filename = Sample_20211014.txt here fileNamePrefix= Sample_; current yyyyMMdd= 20211014; fileNameSuffix=.txt
Export the project as Runnable JAR file.
Deploy the Java JAR in any server simply putting the JAR and app.properties file
Run the Java JAR file command: java -jar your_jar_name.jar
Automate by scheduling the application adding this JAR in cronjob
- jsch-0.1.55