MicroStudio Native Runtime executes MicroStudio game (exported as HTML) locally using QuickJS and then outputs result using Raylib.
Project comes with runtime DLLs from MinGW-w64 - winlibs standalone build version 14.2.0 for win32. If you're using different compiler, you need to use different runtime DLLs.
To compile:
- For Windows, install GNU Make for Windows https://gnuwin32.sourceforge.net/packages/make.htm
- Install CMake
- Clone MicroStudioRuntime
- Build. You can use build.bat, but you need to update paths in it to point to your compilations directories.
Or use compiled binaries from Releases.
Export your project from MicroStudio as HTML. You need to prepare those files:
- Put all js files into /microstudio directory.
- Take a look at included game.js to see how to change your index.html file. Crucially, you need to get
assignments correctly. - Copy all assets folders into /assets directory
MicroStudio Runtime is in very early stages and only very few features work! To see currently supported API check include/JS_API.h and js_raylib_funcs
array at the bottom of the file.
Using any function outside the supported list will:
- do nothing
- crash the Runtime
- erase your PC from existence
So have fun with that ;)
Please visit MicroStudio's official Discord if you want to complain or help me with this thing :)
3rd Party: