A small project using stm8s mcu to receive & parse ev1527 433Mhz RF-module data
I used EIDE inside VSCode. Cosmic_stm8 as Compiler and STVP as Flasher
1-Connect data pin of RF-module to PC3 (Pin No.13)
2-Connect an LED to PD3 (Pin No.20)
3-Connect Rx pin of your USB-To-TTL to PD5 (Pin No.2)(Tx)
4-Upload .hex file to microcontroller (stm8s003f3)
5-Run a Serial Monitor program to see output
That's it.
This is what you should see in serial monitor:
Sync-Bit Length = 2648(ticks)
Received Data Frame = 111000000011100000110001
Remote Code = 918403
Pressed Key Name = A
Pressed Key Code = 1
Totally free :)