This project analyze specifications written in various formal languages such as SAT, SMT, Alloy, and NuSMV. It includes features to run the specifications, capture results or error messages, count comments, calculate lines of code (LOC), compute Halstead complexity metrics, operators, and operands.
To use this project, you need to have the following installed on your system:
- Java
- NuSMV NuSMV download page
Download and add the following files in the /lib folder in the project
- Limboole executable file from the Limboole website
- z3 z3/releases
- Alloy executable file from the Alloy website
These are steps to Run the program On Windows. First, clone the repository to your local machine:
git clone
Navigate to the project directory and build the project using the Gradle wrapper:
cd path/to/your/project/root
./gradlew.bat build
Compile the Java Files.
javac -d out -sourcepath src src/main/java/com/salarkalantari/specsanalysis/*.java
Run the Compiled Class with the appropriate arguments.
java -cp out com.salarkalantari.specsanalysis.App <spec-type> <file-path>
Replace 'spec-type' with the type of specification (sat, smt, alloy, nusmv) and 'file-path' with the path to your specification file.