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Video streaming

David Salek edited this page Nov 24, 2017 · 5 revisions provides remote access and bulk management of devices connected to the internet, and supports Raspberry Pi's. It can be used to enable video streaming through HTTP, accessible from anywhere in a secure way.

The installation instructions below are based on this article:

Install the weavedconnectd package

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install weavedconnectd

and configure service attachments.

sudo weavedinstaller

You can choose from the following attachments:

     1) SSH on port 22
     2) Web (HTTP) on port 80
     3) VNC on port 5901
     4) Custom (TCP)
     5) Return to previous menu

It may be handy to enable SSH connection for troubleshooting. For video streaming enable HTTP server on port 8081, which is the one used for video streaming by the Motion software. At the end of the configuration you should see something like this:

===========  Installed Services  =================
Protocol	Port	Service Service Name
HTTP		8081	motion      	motion
SSH		22	sshd        	SSH-Pi
 Device Name: rpizero_smart_camera

You will be able to watch the video stream through the web interface.