This program is REST API testing using python.
The programming language used is python 3.
I hope to get your suggestions and review.
Thank a lot of.
1. [python Python 3.8.5](
2. OS Windows
3. Install Module Request [ pip install request ] [already available on folder venv]
4. Install Module Json
5. Install Module Json Path [ pip install jsonpath ] [already available on folder venv]
1. Get Request
2. Delete Request
3. Post Request
4. Pick Response
5. Display Response
6. Validation Response
7. Read Input json from file
8. Parse into json format
9. Parse response to json format
0. Start.
1. Clone or pull my repo.
2. Don't change the folder.
3. Open CMM in directory
4. Insert command "venv/script/activate for activate virtual environment or to non activate virtual environment use "venv/script/deactivate"
5. Change directory to folder "get_request"
6. Run this program on folder get_request
7. Command "python -file name program-", then enter
8. End.
Salim Suprayogi
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