This repository contains the server-side code for the Chill Gamer application. It handles database operations, authentication, and other backend logic.
- Database Management: MongoDB is used to store game reviews, user data, and watch list information.
- User Authentication: Handles login and registration, ensuring that only logged-in users can access protected routes such as adding reviews and viewing the watch list.
- Review Management: Allows users to submit, update, and delete reviews. Each review is tied to a user.
- WatchList Management: Users can add or remove games from their watch list.
- Search and Sorting: Allows filtering and sorting of reviews based on rating, year, and genres.
- Node.js: Backend framework for handling requests and server logic.
- Express.js: Web framework to create RESTful APIs.
- MongoDB: NoSQL database for storing game reviews and user data.
- JWT (JSON Web Token): For authenticating API requests and protecting routes.
- Cors: Middleware to handle cross-origin requests.