A script in golang which demonstrates how to allow a user temporary, time-limited membership to a Google Group. (firecall access, just in time access)
You can use this to set on-demand firecall access based on google groups.
For example, if you need to let a specific user access to a GCP resource for a limited amount of time, you can either
Give a user IAM bindings directly to the necessary resourcesB
Add an IAM condition with date/timeC
Add a user to a group which has access to the resources.
The issue with A
is you have to remember to revoke and renew access manually
With B
you will have lingering, expired IAM conditions on the resource. You will also have to apply the same condition to all resources that should be accessed. IAM conditions are also limited to certain resource types. Also note the limits on IAM bindings per resource and limits on the condition expression
So, that leaves one option here: create a google group that has access to resources and control the membership of that group. A feature that makes management a lot easier is the auto-expiring group membership capability:
With this, you can at least revoke access in an automated way.
The concept is certainly nothing new and there are commercial systems that do this for a living (see CyberArk)
This repo is NOT supported by Google. caveat emptor
This sample shows how you can use the golang api to set a time-limited access control on a resource.
The net output should be like this:
list current members
$ date
Sat Oct 16 08:04:23 AM EDT 2021
$ gcloud identity groups memberships list --group-email=group1_3@esodemoapp2.com
name: groups/02grqrue4gb58m7/memberships/101638213306164197874
id: user2@esodemoapp2.com
- name: MEMBER
First setup a project_ID to use for quota purposes
export PROJECT_ID=`gcloud config get-value core/project`
export PROJECT_NUMBER=`gcloud projects describe $PROJECT_ID --format='value(projectNumber)'`
export GCLOUD_USER=`gcloud config get-value core/account`
# if you are running this as a service account, alter --member= to member="serviceAccount:$SVC_ACCOUNT_EMAIL
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $PROJECT_ID \
--member="user:$GCLOUD_USER" --role='roles/serviceusage.serviceUsageConsumer'
apply the script to add a user for 5mins
$ go run main.go --groupID=02grqrue4gb58m7 --userID=user1@esodemoapp2.com --expireIn=5 --quotaProject=$PROJECT_ID
Member: user2@esodemoapp2.com
Added user1@esodemoapp2.com
confirm add
$ gcloud identity groups memberships list --group-email=group1_3@esodemoapp2.com
name: groups/02grqrue4gb58m7/memberships/104497032270219758212
id: user1@esodemoapp2.com
- name: MEMBER
name: groups/02grqrue4gb58m7/memberships/101638213306164197874
id: user2@esodemoapp2.com
- name: MEMBER
wait 5mins minutes and confirm membership is removed
$ date
Sat Oct 16 08:10:52 AM EDT 2021
$ gcloud identity groups memberships list --group-email=group1_3@esodemoapp2.com
name: groups/02grqrue4gb58m7/memberships/101638213306164197874
id: user2@esodemoapp2.com
- name: MEMBER
Note if the user already exists in the group, invoking this api will result in an error. If you want want extend membership to an existing user, supply the set the --autoExtend
You could potentially use terraform as a management layer for adding/removing users.
The biggest issue with terraform auto-expiring users is that if terraform changes group membership, a different process would modify the resource which makes the terraform state out of sync. I'm keeping this here incase for documentation.
Besides, at the moment 10/16/21
the Terraform provider for cloud_identity_group does NOT support the parameter to add/remove users
It should be a parameter in the magic-module definition here
I imagine it may look like this if this is even a legitimate thing to do with terraform...
resource "google_cloud_identity_group_membership" "cloud_identity_group_membership_basic" {
group = "groups/02grqrue4gb58m7"
preferred_member_key {
id = "user1@esodemoapp2.com"
roles {
name = "MEMBER"
expiry_detail {
expire_time = "2014-10-02T15:01:23Z"
Terraform should also does not have support for updating group memberships.
Changes show up in Workspace Audit logs but are pretty high in latency O(mins->hrs)
The filter you can use would be something like this:
logName: "organizations/673208786098/logs/cloudaudit.googleapis.com%2Factivity"
which you can also view with gcloud (ofcourse...replace with your own orgID)
$ gcloud logging read --organization=673208786098
Add User:
insertId: 41616e8ca214107f662ac4cfddb7ae0c
logName: organizations/673208786098/logs/cloudaudit.googleapis.com%2Factivity
'@type': type.googleapis.com/google.cloud.audit.AuditLog
principalEmail: admin@esodemoapp2.com
- granted: true
permission: cloudidentity.membership.update
resource: cloudidentity.googleapis.com/groups/345595908567
'@type': type.googleapis.com/google.cloud.audit.GroupAuditMetadata
group: group:group1_3@esodemoapp2.com
member: user:user1@esodemoapp2.com
- action: ADD
role: MEMBER
methodName: google.apps.cloudidentity.groups.v1.MembershipsService.UpdateMembership
callerSuppliedUserAgent: google-api-go-client/0.5,gzip(gfe),gzip(gfe)
resourceName: groups/group1_3@esodemoapp2.com
serviceName: cloudidentity.googleapis.com
receiveTimestamp: '2021-10-16T12:04:32.072691150Z'
method: google.apps.cloudidentity.groups.v1.MembershipsService.UpdateMembership
service: cloudidentity.googleapis.com
type: audited_resource
severity: NOTICE
timestamp: '2021-10-16T12:04:31.503723Z'
AutoRemove User:
insertId: bfebbcb6070346a1ff84f54fc3d7d17c
logName: organizations/673208786098/logs/cloudaudit.googleapis.com%2Factivity
'@type': type.googleapis.com/google.cloud.audit.AuditLog
principalEmail: cloud-support@google.com
- granted: true
permission: cloudidentity.membership.update
resource: cloudidentity.googleapis.com/groups/345595908567
'@type': type.googleapis.com/google.cloud.audit.GroupAuditMetadata
group: group:group1_3@esodemoapp2.com
member: user:user1@esodemoapp2.com
- action: REMOVE
role: MEMBER
methodName: google.apps.cloudidentity.groups.v1.MembershipsService.UpdateMembership
requestMetadata: {}
resourceName: groups/group1_3@esodemoapp2.com
serviceName: cloudidentity.googleapis.com
receiveTimestamp: '2021-10-16T12:09:31.861301264Z'
method: google.apps.cloudidentity.groups.v1.MembershipsService.UpdateMembership
service: cloudidentity.googleapis.com
type: audited_resource
severity: NOTICE
timestamp: '2021-10-16T12:09:31.353801Z'