see contract-addresses/
for .json
and .csv
The limited precision of numbers in JavaScript is Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER nanoseconds is about 104 days
// uint32 (two's complement) max
// more conservative than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER
const MAX = 4294967295;
Field | Type | Description |
data | object | The trade data corresponding to the columns fields. |
[EXCHANGE] | array | The array containing arrays of trade data. |
metadata | object | The metadata associated with the trade data. |
columns | array | The name of the columns associated with the returned data e.g. [ timestamp, tradeId, ...]. |
timestamp | number | The time at which the data was recorded. |
nanoseconds | number | The nanosecond part of the timestamp where applicable. |
tradeId | number | The exchange provided id of the trade. |
price | number | The price at which the asset was traded. |
volume | number | The total amount of that asset that was traded. |
isBuy | bool | true if the trade is a buy, false otherwise. |
Text Date:Date in human-readable text | Saturday, January 3, 2009 6:15:05 PM |
RFC 822:RFC 822 formatted date | Sat, 03 Jan 2009 18:15:05 +0000 |
ISO 8601:ISO 8601 formatted date | 2009-01-03T18:15:05+00:00 |
UNIX Timestamp:seconds since Jan 1 1970 | 1231006505 |
Mac Timestamp:seconds since Jan 1 1904 | 3313851305 |
Microsoft Timestamp:days since Dec 31 1899 | 39816.76047 |
FILETIME:100-nanoseconds since Jan 1 1601 | 12875480105000000001C96DCF:33B61A80 |
Checksum'd (EIP55)
Incorrect: 0x0bc529c00c6401aef6d220be8c6ea1667f6ad93e
Correct: 0x0bc529c00C6401aEF6D220BE8C6Ea1667F6Ad93e
milliseconds 1604403060000
seconds 1604403060
is simplyGNU UTILS
on Mac OS X - for GNU/Linux its just 'date'
$ gdate --iso-8601 2020-11-03
$ gdate --iso-8601=seconds 2020-11-03T03:40:42-08:00
$ date Tue Nov 3 03:41:07 PST 2020
$ date -u Tue Nov 3 11:41:10 UTC 2020
as defined in 'structs.py'
dm_change: float = dm_change
eth_balance: int = eth_balance
token_balance: int = token_balance
trade_volume: int = trade_volume
token_address: str,
token_name: str,
token_symbol: str,
token_decimals: int,
exchange_address: str,
eth_balance: int,
token_balance: int,
token_address: str = token_address
token_name: str = token_name
token_symbol: str = token_symbol
token_decimals: int = token_decimals
exchange_address: str = exchange_address
eth_balance: int = eth_balance
token_balance: int = token_balance
providers: Dict[str, int] = dict()
history: List[int] = list()
logs: List[dict] = list()
roi: List[RoiInfo] = list()
volume: List[Dict[str, int]] = list()
valuable_traders: List[str] = list()
block_number: int,
dm_change: float,
bnt_balance: int,
token_balance: int,
trade_volume: int,
block_number: int = block_number
dm_change: float = dm_change
bnt_balance: int = bnt_balance
token_balance: int = token_balance
trade_volume: int = trade_volume
token_address: str = token_address
token_symbol: str = token_symbol
underlying_token_symbol: str = None
converter_address: str = converter_address
bnt_balance: int = 0
token_decimals: int = None
token_balance: int = 0
providers: Dict[str, int] = dict()
history: List[History] = list()
converter_logs: List[dict] = list()
relay_logs: List[dict] = list()
"status": 200,
"title": "OK",
"description": "Successful request",
"payload": {
"metadata": {
"startDate": "2020-07-25T00:00:00.000Z",
"endDate": "2020-07-26T00:00:00.000Z"
"data": [
"exchange": "binance",
"timestamp": "2020-07-25T00:00:00.000Z",
"open": 3.0294,
"high": 3.0331,
"low": 3.0271,
"close": 3.0331,
"volume": 600.27
SPDX-License-Identifier: ISC