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Bookstore Application

Please refer Projects tab for step-to-step implementation of the project container-wise

This application displays a catalog of books fetched from database , enables users to browse through the books and post logging in they can place orders , which will be further processed by the backend application. BookStore Microservices Architecture

Steps to run the application:

Install Docker and ensure Docker is running.

  1. Clone the repository: git clone && cd Bookstore
  2. Start the Application: docker compose -f ./deployment/docker-compose/infra.yml -f ./deployment/docker-compose/apps.yml up -d
  3. Endpoint-URL: localhost:8080
  4. Stop the Application: docker compose -f ./deployment/docker-compose/infra.yml -f ./deployment/docker-compose/apps.yml stop
  5. Remove Containers: docker compose -f ./deployment/docker-compose/infra.yml -f ./deployment/docker-compose/apps.yml rm -f


  • catalog-service: This services provides REST API for managing catalog of products(books).

    TechStack: Spring Boot, Spring Data JPA, PostgreSQL

  • order-service: This service provides the REST API for managing orders and publishes order events to the message broker.

    TechStack: Spring Boot, Spring Security OAuth2, Keycloak, Spring Data JPA, PostgreSQL, RabbitMQ

  • notification-service: This service listens to the order events and sends notifications to the users.

    TechStack: Spring Boot, RabbitMQ

  • api-gateway: This service is an API Gateway to the internal backend services (catalog-service, order-service).

    TechStack: Spring Boot, Spring Cloud Gateway

  • bookstore-webapp: This is the customer facing web application where customers can browse the catalog, place orders, and view their order details.

    TechStack: Spring Boot, Spring Security OAuth2, Keycloak, Thymeleaf, Alpine.js, Bootstrap

  • Bookstore-Web-Application: localhost:8080 Users:{sambit,sambit1234} & {virat,virat1234}

  • Swagger-API-Docs+API-Gateway: localhost:8989

  • Prometheus-For-Monitoring-Metrics: localhost:9090

  • Grafana-UI+Traceing-Using-Tempo+LogDump-Using-Promatail-And-Loki: localhost:3000 {admin,admin123}

  • KeyCloak-For-Access-Management localhost:9191 {admin,admin1234}

  • Mailhog-Dummy-MailBox localhost:8025

  • Rabbit-MQ localhost:15672 {guues,guest}

Other Key Learnings:-

  • Database Persistence using Flyway DB Migrations
  • Event Driven Async Communication using RabbitMQ
  • Job Scheduling with ShedLock-based distributed Locking
  • Using RestClient, Declarative HTTP Interfaces to invoke other APIs
  • Creating Aggregated Swagger Documentation at API Gateway
  • Local Development Setup using Docker, Docker Compose and Testcontainers
  • Testing using JUnit 5, RestAssured, Testcontainers, Awaitility, WireMock
  • Monitoring & Observability using Grafana, Prometheus, Loki, Tempo
Install Taskfile for better managing of the application during development.
Follwoing command can be triggered from root of the application
  1. task start_infra : Starts only the dependent services in docker (PostgresSQL DB for 3 microservices, RabbitMQ, MailHog) post which 4 microservices (Catalog-Service, Order-Service, Notifications-Service, WebUI) can be manually run from GUI or using ./mvnw spring-boot:run command.
  2. task start: spin up all the services in docker.
  3. task test : Runs tests for all the microservices by running ./mvnw clean package internally.
  4. task build : Build docker image for all the microservices
Access all the commands in Taskfile.yml


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