We know that we can take a single digit number as input(not a number more than two digits,i.e, more than 9,considering integers only) from dosbox console and also can't show numbers greater than 9 as output in dosbox console. Therefore, in order to remove these problems, two codes(.asm) are given here for learners and enthusiasts.
There will be two code files(.asm files). One of the 2 code files called "inpAnyNm.asm" (short for "input any number of any length from dosbox console") will take any non-negative integer smaller tham 2^16-1 as input from dos console and store the number inside a variable called "sum" and its length will be stored inside a variabe called "lenNum", while, the other one called "outAnyNm.asm"(short for "outputting any number of any length to dosbox console") will print any non-negative integer number smaller than 2^16-1 to dosbox console. From the information from inpanyNm.asm, one can take as input more than one such numbers (non-negative integers smaller than 2^16-1) from dos console and print the same(number) in dos console. Similarly, from the information from outAnyNm.asm, one can print more than one such numbers in the dos console.
Nothing to worry!!! The code files are self-explanatory. Just reading those files, one with even a very little and basic knowledge about assembly language will be able to understand how to use such functions (or subroutines) to input any non- negative number(s) from dos console(in inpAnyNm.asm) or output any non-negative number(s) to dos console(in outAnyNm.asm). I hope, this will be helpful for creative minds.
Thank you. :)