Travel Diary is a TypeScript&JavaScript-based discussion forum.
Faster response system
Restful APIs design with GET, POST, PUT, DELETE
Authentication & Encrypted data
Secure, fast and efficient backend system
Original Git:
Online Demo:
There are three step to build the Travel Diary.
- A Linux or Windows Server with 1GB RAM and 30GB SSD or above
- A MySQL supported
- A NodeJS supported
- A Docker and Nginx supported
- Docker - Future proof your Windows apps and drive continuous innovation
- Nginx - Web server
- Angular - A JavaScript fontend library for building user interfaces
- Restify - A build tool for build restful standard api
- MySQL - A SQL database system
- AWS - Using the AI system based on Amazon Web Service
This project is using Git to manage the commit vesrsion.
- @samjayhk
This project is licensed under the MIT License.