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Person-Refactoring-Kata Public templateto practice refactoring away Primitive Obsession
ensemble-machine PublicScripts for provisioning and managing cloud machines running JetBrains Projector
OfficeCleaningRobot-Refactoring-Kata PublicSeveral implementations of the Office Cleaning Robot Kata with good tests so you can practice refactoring
ThermostatController-Refactoring-Kata PublicFor learning about creating a good Abstraction, and the Dependency Inversion Principle
MartianMessage-Kata Publicexercise to practice TDD when you have to use an external library that is hard to use in a unit test.
CMake 2
- Bingo-Refactoring-Kata Public Forked from atruvia/samman-coaching-katas
refactoring exercise for removing Primitive Obsession with Parallel Change
- OfficeCleaningRobot-Refactoring-Kata Public
Several implementations of the Office Cleaning Robot Kata with good tests so you can practice refactoring
- MartianMessage-Kata Public
exercise to practice TDD when you have to use an external library that is hard to use in a unit test.
- Supermarket-TestDesign-Kata Public template Forked from emilybache/SupermarketReceipt-Refactoring-Kata
Use this exercise to practice using test fixtures
- ThermostatController-Refactoring-Kata Public
For learning about creating a good Abstraction, and the Dependency Inversion Principle
- ensemble-machine Public
Scripts for provisioning and managing cloud machines running JetBrains Projector