Instructions for running PETScan.
Prepare an experiment folder consisting of files called "train_X.csv", "val_X.csv", and "test_X_LANG.csv". If testing on multiple languages, ensure that each train/val file has their own range of X values, but the testing files all have the same numbers. i.e., if testing on chinese and english, your files will look like:
- train_0.csv, train_1.csv... train_4.csv... val_0.csv, val_1.csv...val_4.csv, test_0_chinese.csv, test_1_chinese.csv, ....
- train_20.csv, train_21.csv... train_24.csv... val_20.csv, val_21.csv...val_24.csv, test_0_english.csv, test_1_english.csv, ...
For our data, the ranges used for file names is:
- 0-4 - chinese
- 20-24 - english
- 40-44 - spanish
- 60-64 - yoruba
- 80-84 - turkish
Make sure local/ is correctly configured, and if this is the first time using the experiment runner, ensure that the 'requirements' line is uncommented.
Ensure src/ values are correctly set - including the exp_dir path. IMPORTANT - the lines labelled 'CHANGE' are to instantiate what language pair you wish to experiment with.
For 'DIFF' environment variable:
- if L1 is chinese
- +20 english
- +40 spanish
- +60 yoruba
- +80 turkish
- if L1 is english
- -20 chinese
- +20 spanish
- +40 yoruba
- +60 turkish
- if L1 is spanish
- -40 chinese
- -20 english
- +20 yoruba
- +40 turkish
- if L1 is yoruba
- -60 chinese
- -40 english
- -20 spanish
- +20 turkish
- if L1 is turkish
- -80 chinese
- -60 english
- -40 spanish
- -20 yoruba
- if L1 is chinese
From a terminal, 'cd' into the PETScan folder.
Enable permissions to execute the script ('chmod +x local/')
launch training with sh local/