v2.0.0-3 for Phaser v3.60
- Re. v2.0.0-3 7387cc5
- Add particles atLimit(), getParticleCount() d31b998
- Use const 8cbde12
- Fix disabled keyboard input 1dac54d
- Test disabled input bc69998
- Document the helper methods cf74548
- Remove Matter world correction e9f5311
- Test Phaser v3.60.0 8b582fc
- Require Phaser v3.60.0 28594bd
- Add some Arcade Body properties ce71d1b
- Add the quick helpers 5838334
- Test Phaser 3.60.0-beta.22 f3c6257
- Install Phaser 3.60.0-beta.22 415048a
- nextAnimsQueue label 489a2bc