This is a Spring Boot application that accesses an SQL database. The data model is a User
that has an id, name and email address. There is one controller with two endpoints:
- lists all users (GET REQUEST)/demo/add
- add a user (POST REQUEST)
This sample is based on the Spring Accessing data with MySQL guide, although we changed it to use a PostgreSQL database.
We can build and run this app locally using an embedded HSQL database.
To build the app as an uberjar run:
./mvnw clean package
To start the application locally with an embedded database run:
./mvnw spring-boot:run
See Accessing the app for commands to test the app.
We can build and run this app locally using a PostgreSQL database running in a Docker container.
To start the PostgreSQL container run:
docker run --rm -it --name postgres -p 5432:5432 \
-d postgres
To build the app as an uberjar run:
./mvnw clean package
To start the application locally with using the Docker PostgreSQL database run:
./mvnw spring-boot:run
You can also use the built uberjar using:
java -jar target/spring-sql-jpa-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar \
See Accessing the app for commands to test the app.
To view the users run:
curl -w'\n' localhost:8080/demo/all
To add a user run:
curl -w'\n' localhost:8080/demo/add \
-d name=First \