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alexanderkiel committed Jul 29, 2019
1 parent af6e045 commit e6b48ec
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Showing 21 changed files with 1,023 additions and 228 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion project.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
[metosin/reitit-ring "0.3.9"
:exclusions [commons-codec]]
[org.apache.httpcomponents/httpcore "4.4.11"]
[org.clojars.akiel/datomic-spec "0.5.1"]
[org.clojars.akiel/datomic-spec "0.5.2"]
[org.clojars.akiel/datomic-tools "0.4"]
[org.clojars.akiel/env-tools "0.2.1"]
[org.clojars.akiel/spec-coerce "0.3.1"]
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53 changes: 36 additions & 17 deletions src/blaze/datomic/util.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,6 +8,15 @@
[java.util Date]))

(s/fdef resource-type*
:args (s/cat :db ::ds/db :eid ::ds/entity-id)
:ret string?)

(defn resource-type*
[db eid]
(name (d/ident db (d/part eid))))

(s/fdef resource-type
:args (s/cat :resource ::ds/entity)
:ret string?)
Expand All @@ -16,7 +25,7 @@
"Returns the type of a `resource` like \"Patient\" or \"Observation\"."
{:arglists '([resource])}
[{:db/keys [id] :as resource}]
(name (d/ident (d/entity-db resource) (d/part id))))
(resource-type* (d/entity-db resource) id))

(defn resource-id-attr [type]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -145,18 +154,6 @@
(= -3 (:instance/version resource)))

(s/fdef ordinal-version
:args (s/cat :resource ::ds/entity)
:ret nat-int?)

(defn ordinal-version
"Returns the strong monotonic increasing ordinal version of `resource`.
Ordinal versions start with 1."
(- (bit-shift-right (:instance/version resource) 2)))

(s/fdef list-resources
:args (s/cat :db ::ds/db :type string?)
:ret (s/coll-of ::ds/entity))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -186,6 +183,18 @@
(d/datoms (d/history db) :eavt eid :instance/version)))

(s/fdef instance-version
:args (s/cat :resource ::ds/entity)
:ret nat-int?)

(defn instance-version
"Returns the strong monotonic increasing ordinal version of `resource`.
Ordinal versions start with 1."
(- (bit-shift-right (:instance/version resource 0) 2)))

(s/fdef type-transaction-history
:args (s/cat :db ::ds/db :type string?)
:ret (s/coll-of ::ds/entity))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -214,14 +223,14 @@
(d/datoms (d/history db) :eavt :system :system/version)))

(s/fdef resource-type-total
(s/fdef type-total
:args (s/cat :db ::ds/db :type string?)
:ret nat-int?)

(defn resource-type-total
(defn type-total
"Returns the total number of resources with `type` in `db`."
[db type]
(- (get (d/entity db (keyword type)) :type/total 0)))
(- (:type/total (d/entity db (keyword type)) 0)))

(s/fdef system-version
Expand All @@ -231,4 +240,14 @@
(defn system-version
"Returns the number of resource changes in the whole system."
(- (get (d/entity db :system) :system/version 0)))
(- (:system/version (d/entity db :system) 0)))

(s/fdef type-version
:args (s/cat :db ::ds/db :type string?)
:ret nat-int?)

(defn type-version
"Returns the number of resource changes of `type`."
[db type]
(- (:type/version (d/entity db (keyword type)) 0)))
55 changes: 42 additions & 13 deletions src/blaze/handler/fhir/history/util.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -13,9 +13,13 @@
[java.util Date]))

(s/fdef since-t
:args (s/cat :db ::ds/db :query-params (s/map-of string? string?))
:ret (s/nilable nat-int?))

(defn since-t
"Uses the `_since` param to derive the since-t of `db`."
{:arglists '([db params])}
{:arglists '([db query-params])}
[db {since "_since"}]
(when since
(d/since-t (d/since db (Date/from (Instant/parse since))))))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -46,20 +50,27 @@
(Long/parseLong page-eid)))

(s/fdef nav-link
(s/fdef nav-url
:args (s/cat :match :fhir.router/match
:query-params (s/map-of string? string?)
:relation string? :entry (s/tuple ::ds/entity ::ds/entity-id)))

(defn nav-link
"Returns a nav link with `relation` and `entry` as first entry of the page."
{:arglists '([match query-params relation entry])}
[{{:blaze/keys [base-url]} :data :as match} query-params relation
[transaction eid]]
(let [t (d/tx->t (:db/id transaction))
path (reitit/match->path match (assoc query-params "t" t "eid" eid))]
{:relation relation
:url (str base-url path)}))
:t nat-int?
:transaction ::ds/entity
:eid (s/nilable ::ds/entity-id)))

(defn nav-url
"Returns a nav URL with the entry of `transaction` and `eid` (optional) as
first entry of the page.
Uses `match` to generate a link based on the current path with appended
`query-params` and the extra paging params calculated from `t` and entry."
{:arglists '([match query-params t transaction eid])}
[{{:blaze/keys [base-url]} :data :as match} query-params t transaction eid]
(let [page-t (d/tx->t (:db/id transaction))
path (reitit/match->path
(cond-> (assoc query-params "t" t "page-t" page-t)
eid (assoc "page-eid" eid)))]
(str base-url "/" path)))

(defn- method [resource]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -102,3 +113,21 @@
:lastModified (str (datomic-util/tx-instant transaction))}}
(not (datomic-util/deleted? resource))
(assoc :resource (pull/pull-resource* db type resource)))))

(s/fdef tx-db
:args (s/cat :db ::ds/db :since-t (s/nilable nat-int?) :page-t (s/nilable nat-int?))
:ret ::ds/db)

(defn tx-db
"Returns a database which includes resources since the optional `since-t` and
up-to (as-of) the optional `page-t`. If both times are omitted, `db` is
returned unchanged.
While `page-t` is used for paging, restricting the database page by page more
into the past, `since-t` is used to cut the database at some point in the past
in order to include only resources up-to this point in time. So `page-t`
should be always greater or equal to `since-t`."
[db since-t page-t]
(let [tx-db (if since-t (d/since db since-t) db)]
(if page-t (d/as-of tx-db page-t) tx-db)))
94 changes: 60 additions & 34 deletions src/blaze/handler/fhir/history_instance.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
[cognitect.anomalies :as anom]
[datomic.api :as d]
[datomic-spec.core :as ds]
[manifold.deferred :as md]
[reitit.core :as reitit]
[ring.middleware.params :refer [wrap-params]]
[ring.util.response :as ring]))
Expand All @@ -21,48 +22,73 @@
(:db/id (util/resource db type id)))

(defn- total* [db eid]
(let [resource (d/entity db eid)]
;; test for resource existence since `d/entity` always returns something
;; when called with an eid
(if (:instance/version resource)
(util/ordinal-version resource)

(defn- total [db since-t eid]
(let [total (total* db eid)]
(let [total (util/instance-version (d/entity db eid))]
(if since-t
(- total (total* (d/as-of db since-t) eid))
(- total (util/instance-version (d/entity (d/as-of db since-t) eid)))

(defn- build-response [router db since-t params eid transactions]
{:resourceType "Bundle"
:type "history"
:total (total db since-t eid)
(take (fhir-util/page-size params))
(map #(history-util/build-entry router db % eid)))
(defn- build-response
"The coll of `transactions` already starts at `page-t`."
[router match query-params db since-t eid transactions]
(let [page-size (fhir-util/page-size query-params)
transactions (into [] (take (inc page-size) transactions))
more-entries-available? (< page-size (count transactions))
t (or (d/as-of-t db) (d/basis-t db))
(fn [transaction]
{:relation "self"
:url (history-util/nav-url match query-params t transaction nil)})
(fn [transaction]
{:relation "next"
:url (history-util/nav-url match query-params t transaction nil)})]
{:resourceType "Bundle"
:type "history"
:total (total db since-t eid)
:link []
;; we need take here again because we take page-size + 1 above
(take page-size)
(map #(history-util/build-entry router db % eid)))

(first transactions)
(update :link conj (self-link (first transactions)))

(update :link conj (next-link (peek transactions)))))))

(defn handle [router match query-params db type id]
(if-let [eid (resource-eid db type id)]
(let [page-t (history-util/page-t query-params)
since-t (history-util/since-t db query-params)
tx-db (history-util/tx-db db since-t page-t)
transactions (util/instance-transaction-history tx-db eid)]
(build-response router match query-params db since-t eid transactions))
{::anom/category ::anom/not-found
:fhir/issue "not-found"})))

(defn- db [conn t]
(if t
(-> (d/sync conn t) (md/chain #(d/as-of % t)))
(d/db conn)))

(defn- handler-intern [conn]
(fn [{{:keys [type id]} :path-params :keys [query-params]
::reitit/keys [router]}]
(let [db (d/db conn)]
(if-let [eid (resource-eid db type id)]
(let [since-t (history-util/since-t db query-params)
since-db (if since-t (d/since db since-t) db)
transactions (util/instance-transaction-history since-db eid)]
(build-response router db since-t query-params eid transactions))
{::anom/category ::anom/not-found
:fhir/issue "not-found"})))))
(fn [{::reitit/keys [router match] :keys [query-params]
{:keys [type id]} :path-params}]
(-> (db conn (fhir-util/t query-params))
(md/chain' #(handle router match query-params % type id)))))

(s/def :handler.fhir/history-instance fn?)
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