JPEG-based Variable Block-size Image Compression using CIE Lab* Color Space
This repository contains the code for the paper titled, "JPEG-based Variable Block-Size Image Compression using CIE Lab* Color Space" published in the KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, vol. 12, no. 10, pp. 5056 - 5078, 2018. If using this repository, please cite the above paper.
- Main compression and decompression code is contained in the MATLAB file 'JPEG_based_Variable_Block_Size_Compression.m'
- Image to be compressed should be stored at the location pointed by the variable 'IPFolder' in the above MATLAB file.
- The location can be changed by modifying the vaiable IPFolder.
- The variable 'k10' in the main MATLAB file indicates a value of the CSF constant c which can be used as a quality setting parameter.
- Varying the value of k10 will vary the compression achieved and the reconstructed image quality.
- The compressed bitstream, reconstructed image and an excel file containing the CR, PSNR and other compression parameters are stored at the location pointed by the variable 'OPFolder'.
- As in the case of input folder, the output location pointed by OPFolder can be changed by modifying the variable OPFolder.