The source of the NFC explore card with some modifications (one to flush the stdout, one for working with the kernel 3.18 since 2015)
To be able to work the NFC shield on the Raspberry Pi (mine is model Bv2), several things are good to know. The basic is described here : But the card_polling sources are not enough to make these commands to work. You have to do
- Since kernel 3.18 (Beginning 2015) The card-polling sample works on Raspbery Pi 2 with kernel 3.18, but there is a missing initialization after the line 329 of the file NxpRdLib_PublicRelease/comps/phbalReg/src/R_Pi_spi/phbalReg_R_Pi_spi.c :
phStatus_t phbalReg_R_Pi_spi_Exchange( phbalReg_R_Pi_spi_DataParams_t * pDataParams, uint16_t wOption, uint8_t * pTxBuffer, uint16_t wTxLength, uint16_t wRxBufSize, uint8_t * pRxBuffer, uint16_t * pRxLength ) { struct spi_ioc_transfer spi ; memset(&spi,0,sizeof(spi)); // add missing initialization
- For the python to get the result of the pooling, add fflush(stdout) in the polling loop in main.c, line 278
else { printf("No card or Tag detected\n"); } fflush(stdout); // adding fflush to use python sleep(1); } phhalHw_FieldOff(pHal); return 0;