This project is about solving a famous problem in informatics called vertex coloring problem. The problem is defined as follows: given a graph G=(V,E) where V is the set of nodes and E is the set of edges of the graph you have to find a function C : V → N capable of assigning a color to each vertex such that for each (u,v) in E C(v) <> C(u).
This project can be run on both windows and linux operating systems
Software needed:
- Download Boost from the official site
- cmake(>=3.17)
- make
- boost filesystem library
On debian distributions you can run the following:
# apt install cmake libboost-filesystem-dev
In order to compile you have to put yourself inside the build directory and then hit the following:
$ cmake .. && make
Software needed:
- boost library
On Windows distribution compute the following instruction:
- Download Boost from the official site
- Extract Boost from the .7z folder
- Open the Boost folder and run bootstrap.bat; it creates the file b2.exe
- Run b2.exe and wait it finishes
In order to compile you have to put yourself inside the build directory and then hit the following:
$ cmake .. && make
Regardless of whether you are using linux or windows, you must put the benchmark folder inside a specific folder. As far as windows is concerned the folder is: "C:" while in linux is: "/home/username" or the well known "~". There are actually two ways of executing the program:
- without arguments, the program will guide the user
- with arguments(representation,algorithm,no. threads, file name).