This project is not feature complete, or tested. Use at own risk. (or preferably, don't)
GMod Graphics Markup Language.
GGML is a VGUI Wrapper that add WPF like UI creation, including automated font creation/reuse, property binding, layouts, etc.
A UI element consists of 2 parts (normally in 2 files), the context and the xml
Here you define an object where handlers, properties, etc. will be stored.
For example (example.lua):
local CONTEXT = {}
function CONTEXT:buttonClick( elem )
self.testProperty = "Clicked!"
function CONTEXT:PreInit()
self.testProperty = "Not yet clicked!"
function CONTEXT:Init()
self:FindElementById( "testLabel" ):SetTextColor( Color( 255, 0, 0 ) )
This is a string containing the XML, it is preferred to store this in a separate file, so that you can use separate syntax highlighting for it.
For example (example.xml.lua):
return [[
<Frame Width="50%"
Title="Example frame"
MakePopup >
<Label id="testLabel" Top="50%" Left="50%" Text="@@testProperty" Font-Size="10%" SizeToContent></Label>
<Button OnClick="@buttonClick" TextColor="#ff0000" Top="150" Left="50">Click me?</Button>
Lastly, simply call GGML.CreateView( "exampleView", CONTEXT, include( "example.xml.lua" ) )
to register a vgui element with the given name.
You are then able to call vgui.Create( "exampleView" )
to use this element.
GGML will look for vgui elements named either your tag name, or D[yourTagName]
, so <Image/>
will create a DImage
There are some name aliases to give elements more obvious names, e.g. DListView
can be created simply with <List/>
When GGML find an attribute name, it will look for setter functions by the name
and call them with the value
So the attributeWide="10"
will internally callelement:SetWide( 10 )
Some attributes do not call the setter, but instead replace it, for example
So the attributeDoClick="@myFunc"
will internally callelement.DoClick = context.myFunc
(More on value syntax below)
Note, any functions will automatically be passed in the context and calling element as first 2 arguments, so it is recommended to define them asCONTEXT:myFunc( elem, ... )
rather thanCONTEXT.myFunc( context, elem, ... )
You can force GGML to replace values by prefixing the attribute name with
So the attribute$myVar="10"
will internally callelement.myVar = 10
Lastly, if you do not provide a value to an attribute name, e.g.
<Frame Center/>
, GGML will call that function on the element, e.g.element:Center()
Also, non-value attributes prefixed with$
will set that field to nil, e.g.<Button $DoClick/>
=>element.DoClick = nil
- All attribute values must be surrounded in quotes
- Normal strings will be parsed as such, e.g.
Text="Hello world"
- Prefixing any value with
will force it to be parsed as a string, e.g.
- Numbers (Integer or float) will be parsed as expected, e.g.
- The constants
are parsed as booleans, e.g.
- Colors can be inputed as hex when prefixed with
, e.g.
- Prefixing a value with
will read it as a global variable (supporting dot notation), e.g.
- Prefixing a value with
will read it as a member of the context, e.g.
=>element:SetText( context.myString )
- Prefixing a value with
will bind the attribute to a property, e.g.
will set the text on this value automatically.
Note, be sure to give this property a default value inCONTEXT:PreInit()
is called too late. - Postfixing a number with
will take it as a percent of the parents appropriate property, e.g.
Creating and managing fonts in GMod is annoying, the font manager keeps track of some internal fonts to allow you direct access to simply set font size, family, weight and decoration with ease.
Will have a GridLayout and LinearLayout similar in style to WPF, allowing for ColumnDefinitions and RowDefinitions along with Span.
- FontSize
- FontWeight
- FontFamily
- FontDecoration (Space separated list of
) - Top (y position)
- Left (x position)
- Width (Wide)
- Height (Tall)
- id (used for context:FindElementById())
- OnClick (DoClick)