This is a collection of solved exercises and exams assigned during the course Foundamentals of computer science (Fondamenti di informatica) at the Polytechnic University of Milan. I attended the course during the 1st semester of the academic year 2021 - 2022
The exercises are divided into multiple folders with identifying names. Every folder contains exercises solved during a single lesson. Here there's a more detailed explaination:
Folder Name | Content |
ESE-N | Contains exercises solved during exercitation lessons. Every exercise's problem is written at the beginning of every file |
LAB-N | Contains exercises solved during laboratory lessons. Every exercise's problem is written in a specific pdf contained in each folder |
HOME-N | Contains exercises assigned as homework. Every exercise's problem is written in a specific pdf contained in each folder |
Inside the EXAMS
folder you can find my personal solutions to many past exams.
Head over to Cristiana Bolchini's website in order to consult the content of the exams (written in italian).