In this study Pandas, Scipy, and Matplotlip was used to clean, analyze and plot the lab results of tumor treatments on mice for 10 different drugs to find the most effective and the least effective. Also, possible correlations were reviewed to hypothesis risk factors that lower efficacy of treatment.
Over the course of 45 days 10 different drugs were tested on mice and every 5 days the number of surviving mice was measured for each drug. The top two drugs that saw the highest number of surviving mice were Capomulin and Ramicane withover 80% of the mice surviving throughout the entire treament period.
One of the mild correlations that the data showed was mice with heavier weights tend to have larger tumors putting them at higher risk and lower chances of surviving treatment.
The average tumor volume was measured on the last day of the testing period to test the drug's ability to reduce the size of tumors and this chart shows the average size for the best two drugs versus the worst two drugs.
Although Capomulin had the most surviving mice throughout the testing period, Ramicane was actually the most effective at reducing the size of the tumor. Comparing the bottom 2 drugs you can see that although propriva lost the most mice during treatment it was slightly better than infubinol at reducing the size of the tumors.