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Releases: samuelstjean/nlsam

[0.7.2] - 2024-07-25

25 Jul 17:39
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  • Support for numpy 2.0 and python 3.9 and up
  • Fixes for Cython 3 and newer Scipy

[0.7.1] - 2023-07-03

03 Jul 12:29
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  • Some speed improvements internally
  • Some more functions in parallel
  • A new progress bar with tqdm
  • New non-frozen builds for the standalone versions
  • Mac M1/M2 arm64 binary wheels now available (but the standalone version is still using the x64 architecture for now)

[0.7] - 2023-05-20

20 May 16:17
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  • Breaking changes in the command line parser

    • The previously required options N and angular_block_size are now optional.

    • A mask is now required to be passed with -m or --mask to only sample data. It was previously possible to be unlucky and only sample background noise in the reconstruction process, taking forever to practically do nothing in practice, passing a mask with only the data to sample and reconstruct should prevent this issue.

    • A new call would now looks like

    nlsam_denoising input output bvals bvecs -m mask.nii.gz
  • New command line arguments, now subclassed into categories.

    • --load_mhat file, to load a volume for initializing the bias correction, the default is to use the data itself.
    • --save_difference file, to save a volume showing the removed signal parts as abs(original_data - denoised_data)
    • --save_eta file, to save the result of the estimated underlying signal value for debugging purposes.
    • Deprecation of options --implausible_signal_fix and --sh_order, use --load_mhat instead for initialization.
  • Support for non-integer values of N.

  • Support for supplying a volume to be loaded as values of N.

  • New module nlsam.bias_correction, which contains an easier to use interface to the C functions in nlsam.stabilizer

  • New online documentation available at for the current (and future) versions.

  • The dictionary learning part of the algorithm now respects --cores instead of ignoring it and always using all available processors.

  • joblib is now used for parallel processing.

    • The frozen executable is now using dask and performs a bit slower than the normal version until joblib.loky is fixed to work with pyinstaller.
    • Binary wheels are now available for all platforms instead.
  • A new option to estimate automatically the noise distribution (sigma and N) is now available by passing auto to both N and --noise_est.

    • This option is also the new default now.
  • A new option to process each shell separately is now available with --split_shell.

  • Probably other stuff I forgot.

0.6.1 - 2017-11-17

17 Nov 15:21
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  • New Dockerfile to easily change dependencies version if needed
  • Fixed a numerical issue in the Marcum Q function when computing probabilities used in the stabilizer framework.
  • Scipy >= 0.19.1 is now required.
  • nlsam.stabilizer.stabilization now accepts the keyword clip_eta (default True), which can be used to allow returning negatives values for eta.
    • The option --no_clip_eta from nlsam_denoising can be used to activate this feature.
    • The previous versions forced negative values to zero and is still the default behavior.

Regarding binary releases


  • Use the centos build since it works on old distros for any intel cpu on linux, or the plain linux one for amd cpu/other stuff.
  • Mac and windows builds should work on recent stuff, just contact me if you need to run precompiled versions on older OS versions or build from source.

Well, as you can see there are a few of them and their size vary greatly, so here is a rundown.

If you have a preconfigured python env and everything, using the source is a much smaller download, and now it includes the gsl libs for all platforms, so local installs on server and other things should be easier (except if you need blas/lapack, in which case ask your friendly sysadmin to install them for you, or use the prebuilt binaries).

Here is a quick rundown of the difference and that each build is using.

  • The centos 6 release is using the intel mkl libraries (making it huge in the process), so it should theoretically make use of newer intel cpu. It also will run on anything which is using glibc >= 2.14, which is pretty much everything.
    • This is the one you should use if you have an intel cpu in your machine.
    • Based on python 3.5 and some more up to date libs I had installed at the time.
  • Next is the linux release, build automatically on ubuntu 14.04 and using an old version of openblas 2.8. Therefore, if you cpu is more recent than 2014, it may/may not be totally optimised for it, but is useful for non intel cpu though.
    • Based on python 3.5 and a fixed set of libs (see the file .travis.yml for more details).
  • For the mac osx release, it uses the prebundled apple veclib libraries for linear algebra, so no need to install anything, making it for a small download.
    • Based on python 3.5 also, same version as the linux build.
  • And finally windows is also using the intel mkl libs, since it's the only easily available thing. It should work fine on other cpu brands though, it just might be 'less well optimized' let's say.
    • Based on python 2.7 through anaconda, slightly more recent version of some libs because of that.

0.6 - 2017-10-22

22 Oct 13:55
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  • PIESNO will now warn if less than 1% of noisy voxels were identified, which might indicate that something has gone wrong during the noise estimation.
  • On python >= 3.4, --mp_method a_valid_start_method can now be used to control behavior in the multiprocessing loop.
  • A new option --split_b0s can be specified to split the b0s equally amongst the training data.
  • A new (kind of experimental) option --use_f32 can be specified to use the float32 mode of spams and reduce ram usage.
  • A new option --use_threading can be specified to disable python multiprocessing and solely rely on threading capabilities of the linear algebra libs during denoising.
  • Fixed crash in option --noise_est local_std when --cores 1 was also supplied.
  • and requirements.txt will now fetch spams v2.6, with patches for numpy 1.12 support.
  • The GSL library and associated headers are now bundled for all platforms.
  • Some deprecation fixes and other performance improvements.

0.5.1 - 2016-09-27

27 Sep 13:48
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  • Fixed a bug in local piesno (option --noise_map) where the noise would be underestimated.
  • Fixed a bug introduced in v0.5 where datasets with multiple b0s would be incorrectly reshaped and dropped some volumes. Thanks to Samuel Deslauriers-Gauthier for reporting.

June 2017

  • Added a binary build using the intel mkl, the regular one is using openblas instead. You might get better performance with the intels libs on recent hardware which was not supported by openblas when the release was compiled.
  • There is no change to the release itself other than that (well, it now uses python 3.5 under the hood as a special bonus, but usage and output is exactly the same)
  • The file named is intended for linux system with an older glibc version (such as Cent os 6 or 7)

0.5 - 2016-08-30

30 Aug 08:34
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  • Heavy refactor of the library. There is now a single script named nlsam_denoising
    to replace both stabilizer and nlsam in one go.
    The new usage is now
nlsam_denoising input output N bvals bvecs n_angular_neighbors
  • There is also new cool command line options (such as logging) to discover with nlsam_denoising -h
  • Some code from the previous scripts was moved in the library part of nlsam,
    so now it is easier to hook in with other python projects.
  • (Un)Official python 3 support. You will also need to grab an
    unofficial spams build which has been patched for python 3 support.

0.3.1 - 2016-07-11

11 Jul 20:01
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  • The original header is now saved back as-is to prevent potential conflicts
    with other processing tools. Thanks to Derek Pisner for reporting.

0.3 - 2016-05-13

13 Jun 21:51
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  • sh_smooth now uses order 8 by default and a regularized pseudo-inverse for the fit.
    The data is also internally converted to float32 to prevent overflowing on uint dtypes. Thanks to Felix Morency for reporting.
  • Updated nibabel min version to 2.0, as older version do not have the cache unload function. Thanks to Rutger Fick for reporting.
  • Scripts are now more memory friendly with nibabel uncaching.
  • The example was moved to a subfolder with an available test dataset.
  • Fix multiprocessing freeze_support in windows binaries.
  • Scipy >= 0.14 is now required to efficiently deal with sparse matrices.

0.2.1 - 2016-04-26

26 Apr 09:47
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  • Fixed a bug in the nlsam script where .nii would be memmaped and crash with an invalid dimension broadcast. Thanks to Jelle Veraart for reporting.
  • Linux binaries now need glibc >= 2.19 (Debian 8/Ubuntu 14.04 and newer) instead of glibc >= 2.21 (Ubuntu 15.04 and newer).