TastyToast is a customizable and visually appealing Android library for creating different types of Toast messages with minimal effort.
Success Toast
Warning Toast
Error Toast
Info Toast
Default Toast
Confusing Toast
Add the JitPack repository to your build file
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }
Add the following dependency in your build.gradle
implementation ("com.github.samyak2403:TastyToasts:1.0.2")
To use TastyToast, call the TastyToast.makeText
method in your activity or fragment. Below are examples of different toast types you can create:
// Success Toast
TastyToast.makeText(context, "Download Successful!", TastyToast.LENGTH_LONG, TastyToast.SUCCESS)
// Warning Toast
TastyToast.makeText(context, "Are you sure?", TastyToast.LENGTH_LONG, TastyToast.WARNING)
// Error Toast
TastyToast.makeText(context, "Downloading failed! Try again later", TastyToast.LENGTH_LONG, TastyToast.ERROR)
// Info Toast
TastyToast.makeText(context, "Searching for username: 'Rahul'", TastyToast.LENGTH_LONG, TastyToast.INFO)
// Default Toast
TastyToast.makeText(context, "This is Default Toast", TastyToast.LENGTH_LONG, TastyToast.DEFAULT
// Confusing Toast
TastyToast.makeText(context, "I don't know!", TastyToast.LENGTH_LONG, TastyToast.CONFUSING)
- SUCCESS: Displays a success message with a green icon.
- WARNING: Displays a warning message with an orange icon.
- ERROR: Displays an error message with a red icon.
- INFO: Displays an informational message with a blue icon.
- DEFAULT: Displays a default message with no specific styling.
- CONFUSING: Displays a confusing message with a purple icon.
Include screenshots showcasing each toast type to help users visualize them.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
Created by Samyak Kamble.