The project cointains different scenarios where APE (the Automated Pipeline Explorer) can be used to automate the workflow composition. Most of the UseCases are modeling and trying to solve real-life problems in diferent domains (e.g. bioinformatisc, GIS).
Each of the uses cases represent a different scenario
- /ImageMagick - a basic demonstration case of editing and constructing images using automaticaly synthesised scripts
- /GeoGMT - case of solving a problem of map creation presented it [Kasalica and Lamprecht, 2020]
- /MassSpectometry - case of automated workflow composition in bioinformatics. more specifically mass spectrometry-based proteomics [Palmblad et al., 2019].
- /No1 - use case describes the 1st Use Case described in the paper, labeled as No. 1.
- /No2 - use case describes the 1st Use Case described in the paper, labeled as No. 2.
- /No3 - use case describes the 1st Use Case described in the paper, labeled as No. 3.
- /No4 - use case describes the 1st Use Case described in the paper, labeled as No. 4.