#Summary: This plugin is an extension of [redis-cache-plugin] with TTL for grails version >2.4. Since cache name specific TTL wasn't available for grails 2.4 , we have made some code pull from higher version plugins and added code for this functionality.
#Description: This plugin can be configured for expiration based on the cahce name . Version 3.0.0 and above require Grails 2.4 or higher:
plugins {
compile "org.grails.plugins:redisCache-TTL:1.0.0"
#Configuration: Apart from the usual redis cache config,we have the ability for specifying the name of the cache and TTL in a Map List as below(cachesExpiry)
grails {
cache {
cachesExpiry=[[ name:"subArrayIds", ttl:"90"],
[name:"fromId",ttl:"60"]] // cache 'subArrayIds' will expire in 90 sec and 'fromId' cache will expire in 60 secs as per config
redis {
hostName = 'localhost'
port = 6379
timeout = 2000
This is based on spring @Cacheable and @CacheEvict annotations
Thanks to Burt.
For the base plugin information see the plugin page