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Office hour notes: 2020.05.12

Ian Denhardt edited this page May 17, 2020 · 1 revision

Sandstorm Office Hours

Tuesday 12 May 2020 at 9pm eastern, 8pm central

Video link:

Dial-in: +1.512.402.2718 PIN: 2507 5754 58#

Previous meeting notes.


  • Adam Bliss
  • Jake Weisz
  • Dan Kroll
  • Ian Denhardt


  • What is everyone working on?
  • Keybase?


  • Ian: chasing memory corruption bug. Got sandstorm built under asan using clang. Hacking on a calendar app. (Should we update radicale?)
  • Vagrant-spk vs spk dev: we like developing with spk dev, but shipping from vagrant is nice. Adam has some hacks to bring them closer together. Jake is interested in ideas/PRs to help bridge the gap. Ian thinks we should change spk-dev to do what vagrant-spk does with path to the signing keystore.
  • Adam: tried to run sandsorm under valgrind, but ran into problems with fork/exec + mount namespace. Possible to run the gateway process in foreground? Also messing with matrix and reading capnps. Public http api via reverse proxy terminating SSL and rewriting headers? (Ian has a WIP prototype for the real thing.) Looking at wakelocks (Ian's irc bouncer and znc use them). What to do with market apps that require administrator access? We should have the ability to provide a TCP host/port capability (irc bouncer requests full network access). Musing, could we have sandstorm (or a driver grain) handle a long-running low-activity Hanging Get (or a websocket) so that the app itself could be turned down and spun back up when a message/packet comes in? (Adam will open an issue for brainstorming.) Ian suggests examining Mattermost-bridge over Matrix for bridging.

What are we working on?

Next Meeting

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