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Exercise Test Intern - Tran Nhat Sang - Cty DigiBird

Dear Didibird company. Here is my intern react test.

How to use and run this test exercise ?

Step 1: Clone the project via this github repo.

git clone your-folder-name

Github interface

Step 2: Run Command at current terminal

  • cd your-folder-name
  • yarn: Install package dependencies
  • yarn dev: Run on local development

Step 3: Open postman service at your machine

  • Click Send request with POST LOGIN API
  • Copy Token at Reponse Body

Post Man Interface Post Man Interface

Step 4: Login to the test exercise with port localhost:8000

  • Past Token have copied at step 3 into input (token)

Home Interface

  • Click Button Login

Home Interface

Step 5: Check the exercise

  • Address Page

Address Page

  • Add Page

Add Page

  • Edit Page

Edit Page

Technology in use:

TailwindCSS, React TypeScript, Recoil, React Hook Form, React Toastify

Contact me every time!

Thank you so much for sending me an email for this test!

I wish I can join your company as a good employee!