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This rails app is Mark Orr‘s personal website.

To run/test locally:

  • Install the version of ruby in .ruby-version.
  • Run bin/bundle install.
  • Overwrite config/credentials.yml.enc with a new config/master.key.
  • For functionality related to WaniKani, make sure that the credentials contain an API key:
  api2: ...
  • Make sure you have PostgreSQL running locally.
  • Create the unversioned file config/database.yml something like this:
default: &default
  adapter: postgresql
  encoding: unicode
  pool: 5
  username: blah
  password: blah
  <<: *default
  database: mio_development
  <<: *default
  database: mio_test
  • Run bin/rails db:create.
  • Create at least one admin user with bin/rails c:
User.create!(email: "...", password: "...", first_name: "...", last_name: "...", role: "admin")
  • Run the app locally on port 3000 with bin/rails s.
  • Test by running bin/rake.