A school notes manager for macOS written in Java using pages automation (currently working on de-crappy-fying the code)
Create notes with a given headline and subject and the program will automatically create and open a new pages document with a template for your notes
Get an overview of all notes taken, or filter your notes using powerful filters
Get a list of relevant notes for the next school day
Add timestamps after a class test, to see everything important for the next class test (wip)
Create and see an overview of each school day to increase productivity and grades
If there is a release to download, you only need a jre, macOS, pages and a pages template called SchoolNote (further information below)
Requirements: jdk 1.8 or higher, macOS, pages and a pages template called SchoolNote (see below for further information), git and maven
clone the repository and build the project using maven
Run the jar a first time to install the software and any additional time to actually run it
jbsn creates new notes from a pages template called SchoolNote
, which you have to create and save yourself. To do this, open up pages and create a layout for your notes. You can include placeholder elements SUBJECT
(write the keywords where you want them to be and with the formatting you want, select one of them and go to Format > Advanced > Define as placeholder text). When you're done, go to File > Save as Template... and give the template the name SchoolNote
. You can then exit pages without saving the document.